
Except, it’s explicitly NOT their land. Maybe it should be, but it isn’t.

Don’t worry, Apple can still count on Gizmodo to mindlessly praise and drool over whatever crap is shoveled into their gullet, regardless. It’s not going to stop the click-baiting.

Miyamoto’s soul died today and you can see it all through the presentation. Poor fella.

Calling something a parody does NOT automatically make it a legal parody. It’s why almost all parodies don’t explicitly say the character’s name they’re parodying or if they do it’s quickly in jest.

I think it’s critically important to remember that what conservative was and what the fuck it is today aren’t at all the same. And since old fashioned conservatism still isn’t part of the modern democrat platform, it is important to remember that just because you’re conservative doesn’t mean you’re crazy.

God forbid these idiots grow a brain and actually protest where it matters... Perfect example of what’s wrong with Americans today. Easily distracted by someone dangling shiny keys while totally ignoring the real problems. (Like the broken judicial system)

The key difference is that China actually has resources. Japan doesn’t. China ‘s resources are fueling current industrial progress, to say nothing of their labor force.

Yup. Some games are such unnecessary time sinks you can’t know for sure until a bit of time has passed or other times you’re hoping for a patch to come along or other times a patch destroys what you loved.

I think it’s idiotic to call optimization in Ark dogshit when people don’t seem to understand exactly why it runs “so poorly”. It has less to do with optimization and more to do with being overly ambitious. Sure it has a ways to go in optimization but not nearly as much as people think...

It is, in fact, closer to being finished than not. I don’t agree with them doing pay for DLC before 1.0 but get real. The game is like 75%-85% “done”.

Ice Ages correspond to our geo-spatial relationship to the Sun among a few other things.


Mainly because the series has been one big hot mess most of the time. Some titles stand out but that doesn’t make the series any less of a hot mess.

I’m thrilled for this but it’s sad that it just adds further proof to how stupid Nintendo was the with Wii-U... Or rather how no damn game yet truly proves the tablet controller was worth being included. It should have been an accessory. Period. The first console, I guess besides that Virtual Boy, that Nintendo didn’t

Software patents are fucking stupid. It’s like trying to patent mathematics or a book. It’s bullshit and it needs to STOP.

If the mechanic does something wrong, you sue the mechanic for the damages you incurred. If another car causes you to use it and there’s proof, OBVIOUSLY they are culpable. But define forcing you? Just because a car brakes in front of you and you hit them doesn’t always mean they’re in the wrong, in fact it’s almost

The price was wrong and the fact you needed yet another new, obscure, overpriced and utterly unnecessary memory card is what was really wrong.

It’s funny how people like the NES redesign now but back then it was an utter failure and much mocked redesign.

Did you ever mess with the original DS because if you have and you’re still uttering that nonsense there really isn’t much to say to you...

One more fuck up to his back he won’t be able too. Hell, I bet even now he can’t play as well as he could. If golf needs anything it’s a healthy back... At least if you’re going to go pro.