
One of the reasons I have an only is because two of my best friends who have two children told me honestly that the second child takes up all of your remaining personal time and that they regret a little bit that they have cheated their first child out of some of the attention they would otherwise have received even

The response I have formulated after 9+ years of being asked when we are going to “give” our daughter a sibling: “After three miscarriages it became apparent that my uterus is for decorative purposes only. But thanks for reminding me about the most painful and heart-wrenching experience I’ve ever had while also

Speaking from experience I am pretty sure it’s younger sisters who turn into selfish monsters.

Transracial people can be prejudice the same way transgender people can be sexist. It doesn't mean she isn't what she says she is....

I almost always pay in cash when eating out, and always tip in cash.

I always tip with cash (I’d say we pay with credit about half the time). I’ve just read too many stories about the various ways servers can get screwed over with credit card tips to be comfortable leaving a tip that way.

Hoo boy, retaurant managers are some of the worst people on the planet. Never met a bigger bunch of scumbags. So glad I’m out of the food biz.