
First, Drumpf “wins”. Then, Kayne rants about Jay & Bey. Now this. Dicks are having a moment.

In 2014 I moved to Canada for a PhD program. If anyone is really looking to make the move, I would suggest a graduate program of some kind. Masters degrees are funded, the programs are usually shorter than their US counterparts, you can still take out federal loans, and upon completion, you get a 3 year work permit in

I dunno....it COULD just be me lol, but I’m pretty sure a whole lot of Jews cared, and were just a wee bit envious of everyone who got the fuck out of Germany in the cigarette end of the 1930's...

Now playing

Did you see Liz Warren address the Senate last week? She’s mad as hell. Not softening at all. Don’t feel defeated just yet grape.

Maybe they foolishly hope they can bring a shred of reasonableness or sanity to what is looking to be the ultimate clusterfuck of administrations. The truth is that trying to talk sense into the Orange One will be more difficult than herding cats.

The stress response is so hard on the brain and body humans are designed to compartmentalize and normalize and adjust quickly or they shut down.

He’s black. Black=Urban. Therefore HUD.

This guy is in line for HUD, I guess.

I can’t believe Democrats- or reasonable Republicans -are actually considering joining his Cabinet. Proof, I suppose, that power is the ultimate drug. I just hope these folks are prepared for the eventual crash and nasty forced detox.

You’re giving Trump too much credit. He’s considering a guy named Ford for the Secretary of Transportation and a guy named Forrest for Secretary of the Interior (which manages the National Park Service).

There’s snark because black and brown people have been telling white people this stuff for ages but, as per usual, white people only get it when it impacts them more personally.

If this was about politics that would be valid. But it’s not. It’s about racism, misogyny, islamophobia, sexual assault. It’s about installing a Neo Nazi in the White House and making a mentally deranged liar Attorney General. It’s about Stop & Frisk and Roe v. Wade and discriminatory bathroom laws. It’s about white

its disgusting.

I’ve heard this exact same argument. I asked him what exactly Obama did to inflame the racial difference, and the only thing he could point to was that he took sides in that one instance back in his early presidency when that professor was stopped and arrested, which led to the infamous Beer Summit. That in and of

I heard one person say, “there’s just so much more racial division with Obama than ever before.” Which from that line of reasoning, not only did Obama cause racial division, but, now that Trump is in charge, all those unhappy black and brown people are going to “go back” to enjoying life and getting along with