
I don' think she went through it uncomplainingly though. She tried to reason with him and clearly told him that it was a bad idea but since he was so adamant at proving himself, she left him to do it.

I am glad that Jess went along with Nick's horrible plan of proving his manhood. And even in the end was very understanding and not like "Hey, I told you so".

"I said hey, she's like uh huh, I'm like whaaa" I thought he was pretty funny given that he was only reacting to Schmidt's crazy antics. Compared to Schmidt here, he was the straight guy.

Same here. Also, one thing I can't wrap my head around is why Rowan Pope is still working with Charlie. I mean he was working with Billy Chambers and
helped him sell national secrets to the enemy. Rowan puts people in the "hole" if someone even slightly disobeys the authority and compromises anything. Does everyone in