Probably best not bother, hey? Just let the war criminals get on with it and don’t even try to hold them to account.
Probably best not bother, hey? Just let the war criminals get on with it and don’t even try to hold them to account.
This is the sort of questioning that has been missing from congress for decades now. It didn’t happen under bush until the end of his term, because everything was cloaked in ‘protecting america from blah blah word verb 9/11'
His maniacal laughter response to being called a war criminal during a 1995 appearance on the Charlie Rose show is all you need to know about this guy.
Nah man, it’s “spreading Democracy.” Gotta get the terminology right.
When are crimes like this going to be categorized has hate crimes? It says a lot about us as a society that we are so used to violence against women that it’s not considered a hate crime even if it targets women for being women.
Elliot Abrams is one of biggest monsters that walks free on this Earth. We are an evil nation to make him part of our government. Thank you Rep. Omar for this. She’s braver than anyone else in Congress.
It is about time someone asked these assholes about US war crimes.
I really hate when people miscategorize mistreatment as “being tough”. I’m so glad you told them to quite. It’s so easy to convince yourself that it is just what you need to deal with. Doesn’t matter if you boss is a man or woman, it’s unacceptable.
Seriously, what’s with the constant references (real or not) to women attacking him!? I’ve worked in a high school (not far from west Bend, actually, with similar demographics) for 15 years and I can count on one hand the # of times we’ve had a girl hit a guy: one because the guy spread rumors that he had nudes of her…
Former Hill staffer here. I never worked for Amy, but I did counsel a handful of young women who did.
This is one of the stories where you find out who believes in feminism and who just wants white women to take the place of white men on the society’s totem pole. I mean, chalking up dismay at a boss throwing things at their staffers to “sexist double standards; if a man can do it, why not a woman?” Huh?
Mom should maybe tell him to stop being an annoying little shit and don't play with the doors
He’s destined to be either a mass shooter or a Supreme Court Justice.
Also, like, we all HAVE TO critically analyze the things our parents tell us! My mom’s a racist but unfortunately (for her) raised her children to be intelligent, so I learned how to talk back when she would say offensive shit. Just because your mom claims a girl she went to HS with broke her own arm to blame someone…
That’s all I was thinking— how could they not talk to the girl involved? I guarantee it was more than a door opening and shutting! This dude is an admitted misogynist and you, a journalist, are going to let him spew his lies in a national publication without fact-checking?? I’m so sick of treating these trump…
“It happened once when my mom was in high school. A girl purposely broke her own arm just to get another person in trouble.”
“Ryan is convinced that if it had been a fight between two girls, things would’ve been different. He has this idea that since I’m a woman, if I were in the same situation, I could do whatever I wanted. I could pull out a knife and stab a guy, and I wouldn’t get in trouble.”
This kid’s take on hunting basically sums up the mentality of all these fucking dickheads.
Is Ryan’s family rich? Like legitimately rich? Like net worth of at least $5 million rich?
An article like this would be fine if perhaps it was about two teens with differing opinions comparing and contrasting and maybe letting them talk to each other. This kinda shit is pointless.