I just refuse to comply. My curls are gorgrous and everyone else is just jealous
I just refuse to comply. My curls are gorgrous and everyone else is just jealous
Yea. Archeology is super cool, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it seems like they just spitball and then move on. Like how no one ever bothered to check out the bones in Viking graves because they were full of weapons and armor. Assumed they were all dudes because it's not like a woman would need a sword! Except for…
Et tu, Bruschetta?
At least on average he pays women a bit more, but yeah this generally sucks. You need to step it up when Marco Rubio is doing better.
I don’t know, I think they were just reporting his reaction. I don’t think they were trying to paint him like a victim. He’s trying to paint himself as a victim.
Many years ago, and I mean like more than two decades ago, I read an advice column where a father had written in to say that he was bouncing his young daughter on his knee and got an erection. He wrote that he immediately put her down and was horrified, ashamed and afraid. I never forgot it. I think it can be normal…
Yeah, sort of cold comfort. Anyway, here’s the best I can do, a picture of an adorable corgi puppy:
I had a friend whose POS father was in pretrial detention for similar terrible reasons. He was sexually assaulted by another inmate and had the gall to tell his daughter he finally understood how she felt. Someone people should be set on fire and left to burn.
Are you saying Donald Trump is a “normal” man? Because he is exactly the type of person that would do something like this: a narcissist who can only think of himself and how many of his years he’s given up. He’s the type of man who believes his daughters are his property. And it’s not just our hyper-sexual culture…
I feel like people like this, scum of the earth who cant even empathize for the pain he has caused his own daughter... These sociopaths who have no hope of being rehabilitated, THESE are the people that should be executed. They are useless to society and the world is a bad place for having them in it...
He can’t even summon the decency to cry about something besides his own foul self and all the pity he feels for himself. What a monster. It’s probably too much to hope for, but I do wish he gets the full 250 years.
That's the only thing he can seem to care for. His fucking life. Hope he gets the harshest sentence possible.
Syracuse.com reports that the man wept in court, telling the judge, “I’m giving away many years of my life.”
Unfortunately not a way that could be easily replicated. He came to my caucus site in 2008 when he was still Senator Obama. I was helping direct people around as it was my old HS, to the point that I was mistaken for a campaign volunteer and had someone tell me that the Senator was there if I wanted to say hello. You…
Well, he’s already pulling the unusual move of planning to stick around DC after his term is up to let his daughter finish high school. And he’s given a lot of indications that his post presidency is going to be devoted to advocating against gun violence. So...doesn’t look like we’re going to be as done with Obama as…
I can’t imagine having a President with as good a sense of humor and a feel for modern culture as Obama. I will be SO SAD when he’s gone.
I read the other day that Obama’s approval ratings are back up to 51% (which would be the highest for an outgoing President since Reagan, though I think Obama’s may climb a bit higher before he’s out of office). Looks like all of the non-crazies in America who don’t have an illogical personal vendetta against him are…
I only hope that post-Presidency Obama stays active as long as possible. One of the best Presidents of the last 50 years—in terms of passion, intelligence, and bringing dignity and poise back to the Office.
I think Obama has done a great job as president and it pisses me off when the republican candidates talk as if he has destroyed the country. I mean someone like Rubio who’s such a lightweight compared to Obama. I wish they’d just say “I’d do things differently” or “I’d do things better” instead of acting as if the…