I believe you can buy as much as you want, but ammo is expensive. We have an outdoor shooting lease but never go more than once a month because of how expensive ammo is.
I believe you can buy as much as you want, but ammo is expensive. We have an outdoor shooting lease but never go more than once a month because of how expensive ammo is.
I prefer anti-choice.
Graham gets credit here for breaking with the pack a little bit.
Why do you hate the Vietnamese so much?
Are all the GOP candidates so far off the deep end that I just developed a soft(ish) spot for Lindsay Graham because he’s only treading water there? Someone please help!
The fact that anyone running for president would think that it’s completely appropriate to publicly sign their name to a woman’s chest at a rally is appalling.
I was a child when that happened. I missed the firemans pole and went splat when I was 6. When I was 14 I was regaling everyone with the tale of when I was 6 I fell over there and broke both my arms and how big of a badass I was because I didn't cry even once. I was swinging on the swings as I told this story with my…
so perfect that he should NOW be drafted and sent to Vietnam
So perfect that he should have been drafted and sent to Vietnam?
1. This guy whined relentlessly about debates lasting more than 2 hours, yet he’s bragging about his stamina?
This is the first time Yoko has ever made sense to me. I find if I am depressed or stressed out, my room looks like a bomb went off in it.
Good job DeerLady! I’m sure that you have a frustrating job. So this internet stranger says that you are a gem and the world needs more people like you.
You’re right things suck. Here is what is keeping me going. Today, one of my students told me my reading class was his favorite class and he was learning a lot about reading. He didn’t like reading before. I can look at my other students and I see them making progress and growing. They have good days and bad days but…
here you go :)
In Alabama... Who could have imagined...
Wow. Way to offer ZERO incentive to obey the law and have a clean record when the police will just plant evidence where there is none. Jesus. Destroying innocent lives and eroding basic incentives for people to be good. Awesome job, officers.
Hundreds of kids WITH NO RECORDS had their lives destroyed!!! DESTROYED!!!!
Cops only have your best interests at heart. You can trust a cop’s word.
Exactly. I grew up in a religious household (my mother is a minister) so I’m familiar with all the feelings associated with “If I help this old lady cross the street, that means I’m a good person and I’ll go to heaven.” I knew, even as a little kid, that heaven was bullshit and decided a long time ago it’s better to…
What exactly is attachment disorder?