I'm Knitting a Sweater

My SIL is a vehement pro-birther, even taking her then 7yo to plant flags for all the “murdered babies.” But when they struggled to conceive and MrStu and I said if we wanted more than two kids, we’d adopt, her response was “I think it’s a bad idea. You only love your kids because they’re yours.” Then we’re all

For me personally, they have accomplished the goal of getting me to donate to PP. wait, is that not what I was suppose to do? Oh, that's too bad.

They honestly don’t give a shit. If they can go ahead with grilling Hillary on Benghazi just days after one of their own basically admitted it was a political hit squad then you can see exactly how many fucks they have to give about wasting taxpayer money.

I know, I mean what is their personal, deeply overblown, investment in a woman’s fertilized egg? Why the visceral reaction towards something they have no right, nor any access, to? They can never take that gestating child into their own bodies. They will never support, emotionally or financially, a that child that

No. “Mentally Ill” is not a pass here and it is not a thing that gets to be thrown around at every shooter who has something to prove. There are loads of mentally ill individuals who do not walk into a place and open fire on people.

Can we please not call him an activist? Terrorist, murderer, even facist works for me. How about subhuman scum? Festering pile of shit has a nice ring to it. But not activist.

The release of the videos in July, which PPFA has countered are deceptively edited

You might as well beat your head against a wall as to try to talk sense into these idiots.

Because, as I’ve heard from a number of pro-lifers: Its not about the women, its about the potential lives inside.

Nothing says pro-life like trying to kill someone.

Sometimes I don’t know if it’s hate so much as complete and total disregard. I don’t really think people sit around thinking about evil things to do to women. I just think they care so much about the “killing babies” narrative that they simply do not notice how it affects women. They just do not give a fuck. Women are

The release of the videos in July, which PPFA has countered are deceptively edited, spurred five congressional investigations (with the end goal of defunding the organization) and countless condemnations of the organization from Republican politicians and aspiring politicians.

The decline in incidents since 2008 is likely a result of clinic closure and not a sign of de-escalation on the part of anti-woman’s right to choose fanatics.

I can’t stand willfully stupid people, and I especially can’t stand violent willfully stupid people.

Don’t they have a range of non-lethal alternatives starting with, I don’t know, talking? Then, if necessary, move up to tasers (Not ok with the use of tasers in general, but against someone armed with a knife that would be acceptable).

Yup. Cop murdered by right-wing nutjob in Colorado Springs PP shooting and not only is there silence, but anyone right of HRC is screaming at the top of their lungs to try and paint him as a lefty. This is the fucking lunacy that drives mid-term elections and is the most consistent voting base. Fucking terrifying.

Hey now guys, BLUE LIVES MATTER!!! Unless, of course, they’re murdered by white pro-life zealots, in which case, Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Just don’t talk about it and everyone will leave us alone...

“the three inch blade recovered from the scene had been folded into the handle. .... maintains that “his client feared for his life”

At a scene with such ample backup personnel, at that much of distance - to literally be that terrified really kind of suggests either:

a) some severe paranoia / overreaction / anger