I'm Knitting a Sweater

If you are being abused you can call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), TDD 1-800-787-3224, for help in coming up with a safe plan and general support. Leaving is difficult, but you don’t have to do it alone.

That’s exactly what the point it, encourage them that there’s a way out by giving them information about the people who can help.

I’ve done a similar training and the biggest lesson was that you can’t force a person to leave, but they gave us plenty of information to point people towards appropriate help. I highly recommend it for EVERYONE. I went through my local DA shelter.

Actually, this is about creating a space for a domestic abuse survivor to open up in their own. Many people in abusive relationships will make excuses for the abusive behavior or take the blame for themselves. As long as this is done in a way that helps the person who is being abused find their own voice and talk

An obituary this week said the deceased “lost his battle with depression.” It was heartbreaking but also the most apt description of what happened. Hopefully shifting our language can help shift attitudes about the struggles of depression.

Okay, but when rural America (read our farms) how the hell does urban America eat?

Private parties can also punish in a way they see fit, separate from our legal system. The school is well with its right to say, it hasn’t been proven in court that this was rape, but the existence of this video tape which either shows one of our football players raping another student or it shows two students having

Innocent until proven guilty doesn’t mean you have to assume the victim/accuser is lying. It means investigators have to figure out what happened.

And it would fail miserably. Just like most things he does.

I’ve been considering it for a while. It’s in the list now. Thanks.

Thanks for actually crunching the numbers, that’s depressing.

This is very good news. Thank you!

That’s what I’ve been thinking since they pushed it during Dancing with the Stars.

So, I went to give you a star and it went from 14 to 13. So I thought I had already given you one, even though I didn’t remember doing so, and accidentally took it back. So I clicked again and it went down to 12.

Did someone say “Art of the deal?”

One fifth of all women have experienced sexual assault, not necessarily rape.

So, your network issues are fine enough for you to post here, but pop up suddenly when asked for proof that DAPL has a positive effect.

Sources? Because most of the data I’ve seen says that pipeline leaks are a common occurrence and that it creates very few jobs. The cost/benefit isn’t ideal. It’s possible those aren’t objective though, so I’m interested to see what other data is out there.

Gotcha. It’s more apathy than disagreement.

You don’t agree with people fighting to keep their only water source uncontaminated? Or you don’t agree with people protecting their ancestors’ burial grounds and other sacred sites?