Read that as “so happy my boobs aren’t fighting.”
Read that as “so happy my boobs aren’t fighting.”
Didn’t her statement also mention various charities with a focus on domestic abuse? He’s taking away her choice in how the settlement is divided and to which charities it goes.
The fact that Dog still exists but Millihellen, I Thee Dread and Kitchenette are gone still makes me sad/mad.
#YouAreNotAlone #IAmGrayWithYou
I still don’t get why you have to ask here. Melonie and Stephanie saw comments I made and figured out I’m not a troll. I feel like having to ask increases the chance if trolls getting through rather than the writers responding to something they read that stands for itself.
Lifehacker followed my way back, Vitals a few weeks ago, both after worthy posts. Skillet and Two Cents both did yesterday. It was exciting, there’s a whole family now!
This will not work if your boss is a complete fucking moron who doesn’t understand the most basic of your responsibilities because if you ask his advice and then take it everything will fail and you will be blamed for it.
Everything is better with coconut milk.
I miss Warehouse 13!
A family member used to own a store his parents frequented. I had the pleasure of being there with them on a few occasions. Apples, trees, and such.
I tried paleo for a couple of weeks. On a whole some of the most delicious recipes I’ve ever made and I felt great. But it was a time suck that left no room for socializing. You choose what works for you.
No. As I said in another comment, she wears an 11, but her designs only go to to a 10.
Fuck her shoe line. She wears an 11 but only sells up to a 10.
Panko lightly browned in butter, lemon, orange, and lime zest mixed in. Great topper for shrimp anything. Also eaten by themselves as an incredibly addictive fruity pebbles substitute.
I don’t think it’s picking on his lack of natural intelligence so much as it is picking on the appearance he has smoked a few too many J’s and is burnt AF.
“But slavery didn’t take away all enslaved person’s agency.”
When I was in high school I got mocked for living in Astoria. Now I just want to mock this place.
I’m sitting here, crying/laughing saying “that’s not funny” in between my giggles.