I'm Knitting a Sweater

“all that personal liberty for out the window in order to stop ‘the illegal aliens’.”

Due process is supposed to apply but in practice, oy. Neighborhoods in The Bronx were split in two to make space for a highway. A case can be made for the public benefit there. But homes in CT are routinely being forced from their owners when the state claims eminent domain applies for the development of private

I’m pointing out the glaring fact that the GOP is fine with infringing on our constitutional rights when they stand to make a profit or keep power, but human life doesn’t factor into those decisions.

A correlation doesn’t make it any less a violation of unreasonable search. Perhaps if it were harder for people to get guns were would see a similar correlation. Verifiable links that support your statistics?

Not if you buy online or at a gun show.

I wish me recommending this actually did something.

Yes, I made a simple spelling error, which someone else already pointed out, and it negates every other point I made.

I brought that up in my letter to my representative. He says he's pro life, yet his guns are more important than his constituents. So much for Orlando United.

Yes! Last week I heard a story about civil forfeiture in New Mexico but I couldn't remember the term. Thank you!

Damnit. Thank you. Too late to edit.

He doesn’t see those who disagree with him as people though. That’s the biggest problem. They act like the only represent the segment of the constituency which voted for them.

You also have to apply for a permit to have a rally.

The performing arts center here is a giant faraday cage. You’d better have those plans in place anyway because they don’t tell you your phone can’t be used.

Haven’t heard it, I’ve been reading la-TEE-nex which follows Spanish pronunciation or la-tee-NEX puts the emphasis on the inclusive part.

I mostly agree with you. I’ll have to look at the mental healthcare reform bill you mentioned. I don’t think the shooter was mentally ill though, just a horrible human being.

That’s true. I’m waiting for the day he comes after Puerto Ricans so we can remind everybody the US took over our independent island illegally, but since then we are born citizens.

No one is criticizing JetBlue for the publicity they’re getting by flying family to MCO. She’s a prominent and vocal member of the LGBT community. She’s a singer/songwriter. It’s who she is and what she does. This song centers on what makes us human, don't belittle that.

The Pride flags are up in downtown Orlando. They went up this week, same as they always do, in addition to all the ones that aren't usually there. It just feels so heavy.

Imran Yousuf needs to be getting way more attention than the shooter. But what he really needs is to be left to heal in his own time and not have cameras shoved in his face asking him to relive that night.

And it’s why more journalists need to follow Anderson Cooper’s lead and not say the shooter’s name or show his picture.