I'm Knitting a Sweater

NYC was happy enough with Bloomberg to suspend the term limit and that did not end well. I’m not saying that it would happen now, but who knows if we would’ve gotten Obama if Bush had been allowed to run again. We’re seeing the racism bubbling to the surface. Romney lost some votes that Bush would have gotten because

One of the reasons you have to show your ID for sinus medication is that it's easier to get off meth when the last hit you had wasn't very good. Maybe you can get your boyfriend to buy milk chocolate because it's way easier to pass on that.

But he didn’t really let the mic drop, which makes me happy.

That’s why I said it isn’t *always* to deny. There’s no doubt that often people do it deny a part it their background. I was just saying that’s not everyone’s motive.

A lot of the push back also comes from a place of not wanting to be just one thing of your mix. Being from a country that was colonized, coming from people who were both taking advantage of others and being taken advantage of, you have to acknowledge all sides of how you came to be.

My family runs a good portion of the spectrum of possible skin tones. This is when self identification matters.

Have you seen the Heinz commercial from this year's super bowl? It's all you need in life.

I read tragically STILL GRAY’s post and thought “I should change my name to “I’m knitting a gray sweater.” Now it seems that would be confusing.

How do you tell the difference between actual blackheads and sebaceous filaments? How are they each treated?

It still could’ve been immediately reactive. The abuse that’s been going on for years is a sum of countless instances of abuse, each one horrid on its own. If this happened during an attack the court still should’ve seen it as immediate. A history of violence doesn’t give the abuser a pass. The law needs to be changed.

You being ignored and dismissed is horrible. Glad you and your daughter are safe now.

That plate is great. I love the first line “trust women” it strikes a chord with what these laws come down to. Would get that if I were in VA.

No, I think one specific man is more likely to listen to his sibling than a stranger is. I think you’re making assumptions about what other women will be open to. I think your insistence that abortion rights don't affect men is dangerous. I think that telling someone you don't know that they're wasting time on

You still haven’t convinced me that people who get to set their own hours, who choose when and where to work aren’t independent contractors, you’re just saying they’re not.

But they are choosing to be full time drivers, not expected to by the company. You don’t get to bully your way into a contract. All that’s going to do is get uber to cap drivers’ hours. Uber’s full time employees are mostly administrative. It's a false equivalency.

I don’t KNOW that he’ll listen.

The article specifically says health benefits, disability and paid leave, so that’s what I was addressing.

You’re 100% sure that a person they’ve known most/all of their life and share a connection with will not listen to them but strangers without a connection who are possibly further away when it comes to viewpoints will?

But time is the other big indicator of employment relationship. I can’t just clock in and out when ever I want (actually I kind of can, I’m on flex time, but that just means I can work 9-6 or something similar instead of 8-5). If I’m sick I still have to call in and use the personal time allotted to me. In exchange

Umm.. Have you heard her sing? I mean, she’s a charismatic actress, watching her makes me smile, but listen to her a capella, no effects... Damn.