I'm Knitting a Sweater

Yup. OP pointed it out to me last night and I have already apologized for my error.

Of course it’s proper to use male and female as adjectives. That’s what they are and that was the point of my post.

I’m sorry for your loss.

He probably thought he would be behind a desk.

I love dogs! But you kinda just proved my point. Dog still shows up on the drop down menu when you’re on the gawker main page even though it hasn’t had a post since August, but the ones I mentioned don’t. They still get ads to click through to them but the writers were let go. They were getting thousands of comments

I did see your other post after making that comment. It left me confused. I have no academic feminism behind me so I had never heard that phrase and it struck me as odd. I do agree with your points on the cluelessness of the people who hired the models and how they exaggerate the problem.

How is it that Dog still exists but Kitchenette, Millihelen and I Thee Dread are gone? It’s almost like Gawker didn’t want to pay for that many clicks anymore.

Fuck. I’m sorry. Don't know how I missed that.

In the meantime Pintrest has actually done something about the problem. Or at least they’re trying to. They just named a head of diversity and unlike Apple it’s a woman of color, Candice Morgan.

I know how much it sucks to be called “a female” rather than “a woman.” I know that using an adjective when a noun should be used takes away the humanity of the subject.

I’m with you on getting called “a female” but “male- to-female ratio” was correct. It would’ve sounded better to say “ratio of women to men” but here the choice was not wrong.

Okay, that sentence is horrible, but I like the wedding in the round idea.

That would involve having someone from the Caribbean there. Can't have that in the Hamptons.

So there are many things to mock, but I kind of like the circle around them and walking to each other instead of her being presented to him.

It isn’t illegal. Who said that? It will be taxed like crazy though. Have you ever filed taxes?

No, it doesn’t take away from what you did. Even when people only donate to lighten their tax burden no non profit is going to say no because you’re not gonna pay taxes on that money.

I love how easy it is to tell when he’s uncomfortable with what the President says. “Hiding millions in off shore tax shelters” :::gulp:::


What really bugs me is “they don’t do cancer screenings” because they don’t do mammograms (how many gynos do?). Ever heard of a Pap smear? Know what it detects? Abnormal cervical cells. Possible pre-cancerous ones.

The seam underneath the left one. It is odd, but she is stunning.