I'm Knitting a Sweater

Did I say that?

Who uses different providers for internet and cable service anymore? By packing with the TV they probably feel U-verse internet will follow.

Or are you, me?

Especially because there is a reason for focus. HRC is the one candidate who openly and continuously supports PP. There’s a self preservation effect.

Are they really only $115?

How it’s used in that instance also matters. Read the full statement and it’s pretty easy to tell what the author meant.

Take the sentence as a whole instead of splitting it up. Once you get to the author saying Queen Latifah should’ve been the winner (which I agree with, she was fantastic) it puts the “(erroneously)” into context. It was wrong, an error, that Lady Gaga was awarded and not Queen Latifah. It’s an opinion. Context is your

My boyfriend wants to move TO Minnesota. You are anecdotal evidence that no one should be moving to the frigid, yet beautiful, state

How much to be able to join them for the in person version?

I’m reconciling it by thinking she doesn't like the track on Side B so ten seconds in she flips and that's why she has to rewind.

Oh. I’m 1984. 82-84 is a strange cusp that has 3 possibilities depending on the group doing the defining.

Why would you need to flip *and* rewind? Assuming you’ve listened to one side if you flip then the other side is ready to go and you cannot rewind.

Same as you. I listen to the ones who label me GenX.

So excited for Lin on Sesame Street. I hope it’s as good as Sutton’s I Love a Lever.

And make people doubt the truth when person being abused says something.

The thing is it’s a gift that “no one will love you the way [abuser] does” because abuser doesnt actually love you and after you leave there’s a chance to find someone who does.

“Trying to play the victim” my ex used to say this to me all the time, still tells people he’s the victim and I’m making it worse than it was so I can play the victim. That I LOVE being the victim.

The national hotline is 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE). There are resources available around the country from shelters in emergency situations to helping you create a plan to leave if you are ready. If you choose to call please make sure you’re in a safe place with truted company, from a phone your abuser DOES NOT have access

Ugh. I *hate* interrupters.

I still see this one :/