Heard her say that they were in a consensual sexual relationship, implying that means it couldn’t have been rape.
Heard her say that they were in a consensual sexual relationship, implying that means it couldn’t have been rape.
I was hate-listening to Fox News radio last week and whichever guy was talking brought up the emails, but that’s all he said. It was pretty much: we’re supposed to trust Hilary, but remember her email? Yeah, okay.
I graduated the same year as your brother. I think it’s something in between what we’re each remembering. You needed to do Sequential 1, 2, and 3 plus a 4th class. They changed the math curriculum for the class of 2003 to math A and B with some other stuff. By 2007 the Regents requirements were completely different. I…
That same quote “girls under 10 engaging in sexual activities” there’s got to be a better way to phrase that.
When did you need 4 years of math for the Regents diploma? When I was in school it was three and I started high school a year ahead in Sequential 2. My sister loves pointing out that she’s so bad at math she was on “the blue book” her senior year, and I was on it my freshman year. In a bit of irony I failed sequential…
My father tells of the time the mother daughter team in front of him had a cart full of only prune juice and toilet paper.
No practical jokes from me, but I realized today that trying to make whipped cream in a hot kitchen must feel just as tiring and useless as giving a hand job to a guy with ED.
*Psst* That’s Good Friday. On Easter he became a zombie (rose from the dead).
Conditioner. My legs were so happy when I switched, others have agreed.
I was couponing (which my phone is NOT recognizing as a real word) out of necessity a few years back. One Sunday the convenience store was out of the English newspaper, which is how I discovered the Spanish paper in my region is 1) available all weekend 2) stocked with the same coupons 3) free!
Where is “here”
I feel like it should be a year from the last new partner, and your partner’s (partners’) last new partner. with a negative test result after the 6 month window. For every body, regardless of orientation.
31; I turned 9 in ‘93. But I am not a fan of Jurassic Park and everything he has done since then just cannot overcome the hurdle of how annoying I found him. I feel like he would otherwise fit my type.
Can someone explain the Jeff Goldblum thing? IDGT.
Last time we went grocery shopping bf and I were getting a chunk of that cheese, but tge deli was out so we had to wait for the woman to break and measure it.
“Showtunes Sunday”
The only person it helps to compare yourself to is you two weeks ago. There’s always gonna be somebody who is better than you at something or thinner or all the other things that can run through you head. But that’s only gonna discourage you.
Doesn’t it come from the Ashokan?