Asking the first time is annoying, but asking after someone’s already said no. F that.
Asking the first time is annoying, but asking after someone’s already said no. F that.
I switched to a co-wash (not wen) and my hair and scalp are the healthiest they’ve ever been. It’s very different from a shampoo/conditioner combo, which in my experience neither cleansed nor conditioned.
Isn't Obama in pretty good shape? I know he's a smoker, but he does seem fit.
There were more than a handful of Muslim girls in my all -girl Catholic high school for the same reason.
Yeah, he speaks his mind, but are you actually listening to the words he’s saying people? What he wants to do would slowly chip away at the Bill of Rights, which your so happy to defend with #2, but there are 9 other amendments the framers thought were crucial to the success of this country.
Potvin Sucks
My phone won’t let me copy/paste right now. But if you look back at the post you quoted it says “it’s not the word ‘Republican’ but...” and then a list of the stances that are common in the GOP. Those are the things that OP equates with the “bad person” in the sentence you quoted.
I also parboil potatoes for hash browns. At night put the potato(es) in a pot of cold water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. When the water cools remove the potato(es) and place them in the fridge. The next morning Shred, season and cook them. Super crunchy, delicious hash browns.
My mother was a classroom teacher, when she got a new roster at the beginning of the school year and saw “Angel” she knew he would be the most difficult student. She was never proved wrong.
Go eat a bag of dicks, asshole.
“Double bagging” condoms increases the chance of failure due to friction.
My family is 11 days away from the 10th anniversary of my godbrother’s death, when he and his friends were shot 15 times in the first mass shooting his city had seen in a decade.
A conversation I witne this morning devolved into one guy saying that he wouldn’t rule out voting for Trump depending on who the other candidate is. Several times he said he likes Bernie Sanders, even if he doesn’t agree with him. So he’d rather have a racist hothead with no regard for the constitution, as President…
I heard the same thing. From a pastor, during a sermon. His point was that then they had to do more. My take was, so you’re not any better.
This is a power and control wheel. If your partner exhibits some of the behavior on this chart you may be a victim of Domestic Abuse.
The National Saftey Hotline is 1-800-799-7233
I wish I did but at the time all I could think was “they’re not selling the parts. They donate them for research and get reimbursed...” But he cut me off because he's always right and doesn't have to listen to anybody.
The phrase “God-fearing” makes me shudder/cringe. Why do you need to be afraid of your God? Why can’t you figure out right and wrong without using God’s wrath as your litmus?
Because teens are designed to become horny as hell after puberty?
No, if she turns it into a mosque they'll still try to shut it down.