That's fantastic! Yes, yay for small victories!
That's fantastic! Yes, yay for small victories!
Only 3% of PP’s services are abortion related. So why are people trying to defund a whole organization whose mission is to ensure reproductive health? How would that be good for anybody?
Can't The North Face make them go away?
My iPhone autocorrected the last name Bosworth to “boss orthodox” yesterday, but because I retyped it and clicked on it then, it didn't happen today. So yes random words but also , yes you can make it do that on purpose and yes, she is likely making that one up.
Any of you ladies start wearing lipstick after your 20’s? I'd like to start, but my lips are big and I feel like a clown when I wear lipstick, or like that's all people pay attention to. How do you become comfortable with it?
No, the point is you don’t get to comment on what others do with their own bodies, mind your own business
An obligation in you calling the cops/breaking a window when a child has been left in a car all alone. What you feel in this matter is a compulsion, not an obligation.
*Please consider this a star.
Your beliefs do not grant you agency over another person. You have every right to protect an unborn person within your own womb. But if there’s a zygote, embryo or fetus in somebody else’s uterus you have no obligation, claim or right to protect that inhabitant over the woman who has been alive for many years.
We know they don’t care about logic.
You deserve so many more stars for this!
Being in Hollywood is their JOB, not a privilege or a right. Older women not being valuable to Hollywood is manufactured by Hollywood itself and a self fulfilling prophecy. If they put money into supporting older women they’d recoup that investment. Instead they make films without strong marketing strategies then say…
What is with you and the action movies? They aren’t the only thing out there. We’re saying that's the problem. Give us more than just action movies. And your retort STILL backs up the argument that gender is the difference. Please come up with a valid response instead of statements that have already been negated.
Around here we’ve got “A baby’s heart starts beating 18 days after conception” with a picture of a 4-6 month old with the bright blue eyes.
Yes, the court was ruling on the ban. At the same time the sentence in itself is correct. The previous ruling is the subject, if you add the “un” where you suggested it makes the previous ruling unconstitutional, not the ban.
Nope, the ban is unconstitutional, the previous ruling against the ban is constitutional.
They can be women. They are intelligent, funny, sexy. They can laugh and feel and step into a character to make us laugh and feel.
Again, you say age is the problem, but then follow with an example of discrimination based on sex/perceived sexual appeal.
I’m going to reply to you , rather than the troll.
Could it be your soap/body wash? For a while it felt like yeast and bacteria were fighting over who was going to have control over my vagina. I switched my body wash and it made me feel like my labia were on fire. Even washes that were supposedly pH balanced to be nice to vaginas weren’t kind to me. After taking…