I'm Knitting a Sweater

Not trying to police your thoughts or downplay your own experiences but that’s an inappropriate comment on a celebration of the engagement of an interracial couple. You have every to feel the way you do about the movie, but can we be happy for these two particular people?

Don’t even know how I ended up here three years later, but thank you.

Crazy former roommate hated the word moist and once told the rest of us she hates it so much she would turn other roommates Aussie hair products, which say MOIST in giant bold letter, around so she wouldn’t have to even see the word. From then on every time I went into the bathroom I would make sure MOIST was showing.

Not iPhone users running Safari. Maybe we should see if anyone’s using a Windows phone.

We must work together!

Some of my coworkers are like that but most believe that everyone can and should have their own relationship with God, which is fine for people who want that. What makes them special is the adherence to The Truth*.

Yes. My brain doesn’t really get it though. People who think like this really believe that what they’re doing is THE RIGHT THING. Even as we recognize a power hungry asshat, he probably sees The Defender of the Pre-Born. So if it’s gonna die anyway why not save at least one life...

Slightly of topic but still relevant:

Can someone please explain his thought process behind this? If the pregnant person dies, the womb inhabitant does too. So what does he gain from this?

That made me cry. I read about abuse and rape and unnecessary pelvic exams in the name of “protecting life” valued over the bodily autonomy of a woman and I’m outraged and I want to make it stop. But going under anesthesia for some other procedure and people who you’re supposed to be able to trust to keep you alive

She's looking a little Melody Pond with that hair.

The music director I work with tries to cancel rehearsal every once in a while. He thinks, oh we’re playing songs the band already knows so it’ll be okay. I’ve gotta remind him, the crew needs rehearsal too. We’re good at our jobs because rehearsal is a safe place to find mistake and to fix them. We can give you what

Dress rehearsal isn’t just for the artist either. There are a bunch of other people working these shows, rehearsal is for them too.

I love/hate when I say my name and people write down the traditional spelling. It’s pretty that way, my spelling looks like a disease.

I’m of the weird spelling, “oh that’s fine” category. Just to defend my name is ethnic (Hispanic) and my father spelled it in a stupid way that doesn't look at all like it sounds. So when someone asks for my name and writes it down, I'm cool with whatever will get the person reading it as close to my name as possible.

“Bye Bye Birdie” was the theme of that season. It ends in Betty and Don’s divorce.

Pierce can be a Grey if a backup is needed.

It’s their job.

Please accept this internet hug from an internet stranger. No advice or judgement, just some love for your journey.

Born and raised New Yorkers are also much more likely to be comfortable living in more diverse neighborhoods. It’s just what’s natural.