
If you have the knowledge to feed a child a balanced diet as a carnivore, you are about 30 minutes of googling away from being able to feed a child a vegan diet. I really don’t know why people think vegan diets require a PhD in nutrition. Vegetables, good. Fruit, good. Whole grains, good. Meat, dairy, eggs, bad. Nuts,

Also, even if it WAS harder, who cares? It’s their decision. It’s also “harder” to make time to go for a run, but people do it. It’s also “harder” to cook dinner rather than going to McDonalds, but people do it. It’s also “harder” to take the apple skins off for your kids rather than giving them the peel, but some

Right well I wholeheartedly disagree. If you mean nutritionally, I disagree. One of my kids has a blood disorder that we need to keep tabs on. We get him blood tested eery few months. I had my other kids blood tested last month to make sure everything was ok, including nutritionally (remember my husband is the vegan

I disagree. Feeding my vegan kids is as easy as feeding my meat eating kid. My vegan kids have a more balanced palate and will eat many different types of protein. My meat eating kid will only eat chicken for protein. As for the other nutritional aspects...again, vegan kids seem to be getting more vitamins than meat

LOL exactly! some of these commenters are making it seem like their kids are eating a fully balanced meal (not too high in saturated fat!) for every meal. PU-LEEZE. Half the kids in my kid’s classrooms are eating bagels and butter for breakfast, pizza or ham sandwiches for lunch (nobody in the cafeteria ever touches

not even close. I am a meat eater and my husband is a vegan. We have three kids under 8 and two are vegans by choice and one who eats chicken. They are all three perfectly healthy. A vegan diet can be healthy, just like a mindful meat diet can be.

Real quick q.

You are doing a good job. I support you and your logic!

Yep. If you walked down my block and saw what these people feed their kids, you’d be appauled. Coke and oreos for a toddlers breakfast, maybe a sausage patty (which is probably 3% actual meat) for the older kids.

Not even close to being true. It’s as easy to get your ACTUAL required nutrients (not the 100g of protein the FDA claims we need) as a vegan. Also, there is no proof that people who eat meat have more nutrients in their bodies. For MANY MANY MANY people, eliminating the meat and dairy would force them to eat ore

This has happened to me and I used to skip meals in the cafeteria solely for this reason. It’s disgusting and I wish I had spoke up more.

YES YES YES. I’m only 4 comments in and know there will be more nasty comments from meat eaters about vegans than vice versa. ALWAYS.