
“[The show’s creators] use psychological manipulation, as well as lies and tricks to put their victim into comedic situations that subject them to public shame, embarrassment, and ridicule.”

They are never pro-life, strictly pro-BIRTH

This sounds like something out of a horror movie... with the victim eventually being tied to some sort of torture device and the guy saying in a creepy foreign accent “Now you hear the noise!”

I was probably 14 or 15 riding in the back seat with the salesman, while my sister test drove a Mazda Mx6 (I think?). My Dad was in the front seat pushing my sister to drive the car harder. She did. We spun across multiple lanes of a major interstate and then back across them before just baaarely scraping the wall

This. Complaining about receiving small tips when there's no reason you should be getting a tip at all is just as egregious as your egregious tip jar. 

Well I specifically excluded bartenders because I know they work on a tipped salary. Cashiers however, do not. And there’s no way anyone that anyone working takeout cashier is doing more prep than the grocery store bagger. So why tip the one doing less work?

Which you can get at McDonalds. And I bet you have at least once. And I bet you did not tip.

But she’s not wearing it at work....it’s a completely different situation. Celebrities are allowed to wear a lot of things that would get me fired or told to go home and change. Not to mention I have a hard time telling someone who is married to a black man and has bi-racial children that she’s being tone-deaf. What

Imagine paying to attend an event based on a promised service, waiting in line for hours and then being told the service that was promised wasn’t going to happen.

So now we’re expected to tip for McDonald’s level service?

When the researchers opened up the stomach did they also discover an overwhelming amount of smugness or is that a more modern addition to the paleo diet?

That is pretty spot on for an 80s mall. All that I see missing is a Kay Bee Toys. Well that and the lack of people smoking inside.

love the inclusion of Waldenbooks and Sam Goody

Its a rule made up by guys that will likely never have a girl to give anything to. Incel bitterness ftw

Hey Guys - are you getting tired of that same old White Male Privilege(tm)? Do you yearn for the sweet, sweet feeling of oppression? Why should women have all the fun? Become an MRA.

White men make more than white women. Black men make more than black women. In general, men make more than women, so a racial breakdown in this particular instance is irrelevant and unnecessary, imo.

Or watching scrambled porn on a tv!

Shoot, even before the internet was a thing... Porn found a way.
Back then we bought magazines (Or swiped em from dad) and stashed em under the mattress.
You kids now a days don’t know the struggle, lol.

You got video of a violent assault where the perpetrator attacks a random stranger in the street in broad daylight and wasn’t charged? If not, no one needs your whataboutism

She beat an elderly man with a brick for no reason...I’ll take immigrants over homegrown assholes any day.