
Absolutely. You’re right. Doxxing is dangerous. I mean it literally when I say that this is not doxxing. This is a more effective version of milk cartons and wanted posters. This isn’t trying to root out the identity of someone who anonymously said some shit you didn’t like online. These pictures aren’t being posted

It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.

Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.

My standby response to someone who says “Sorry, I’m not politically correct” is “Nah, you’re just an asshole”.

Girl if you think Wonder Woman is about Greek Mythology you bought the wrong ticket.

The Last Unicorn - (*lacking a spoiler tag so... spoilers!)I really loved the parts that dealt with ‘change’ in respect to the titular character’s identity as a unicorn.

Why does she need a bra? If I could get away with not wearing one every day, I would be FREE!

I would argue that wearing a bra when you don’t need the support is really just giving in to social pressure that possible nipples poking through your shirt is immodest. We’ve screwed our society up so much that you have to hide the fact you have nipples if you are are woman. There was a reason what bra burning was

Sad but true. Even sadder? He probably thinks suggesting polyamory is some kind of Machievellian master plot, while everyone else can see right through it.

Opposite note for MVP. Your dude will be deeply sorry when he finds out you could have a revolving door of lovers at your beck and call. I swear every other story I hear of a guy wanting an open relationship ends in him finding out that you will have a LOT easier time finding lovers then he ever will. And once the

Dear MVP,

Has MVP’s boyfriend met a specific person he wants to sleep with hence he’s come up with this? I would probably think so...

Line cutting was how people made everyone hate them before social media.

If you try cutting in line in Canada, anywhere, I will find you, and give you the most withering, silent glare, you have ever seen.

My experience has been that the only difficult area of DMing is the one involving managing players, depending on their age getting them to all play or make characters in the same ballpark powerwise has been like managing kittens at times. 5e isnt as bad for this, but thats a side effect of the rules simplification.

Jesus. The theory that he sexually assaulted her, she resisted, and he murdered her and then has been desperately trying to cover his tracks ever since seems almost certain at this point. That, or he’s a deranged serial killer who’s really bad at covering his tracks.

At the moment I had interpreted it as pain is a fact of life, if you are avoiding it, you are doing it wrong. Avoid pain, gain regret, gain stagnation...and poverty. 

“Happy wife, happy life”

From Firefly