
Then I guess your job is to make racially-charged drive by comments and then not defend them when they are criticized. Once again, way to go.

That is great articulate argument. Way to go.

I call bullshit

I'd believe it if it didn't feel like an obvious ploy for viewers... I'm gonna go watch the Exorcist for some true fear.

You must really not care if people take you seriously.

Do we clap now? Is there a link where we can donate to your Kickstarter on the documentary that chronicles your bravery and awesomeness?

This isn't blaming as much as it is a plea for people to use common sense. I mean, come on.

I completely disagree. In the interest of informed consent, people should be obligated to tell sexual partners if they have an STI. I would feel extremely betrayed if I trusted someone enough to have sex with them, only to find out they willfully kept that information from me.

While we work toward the world we want, we still have to live in the world we have. This is a cautionary tale as much as it is a story about an asshole.

I rather think that calling consenting adults who let a guy from Craigslist talk them into unprotected sex "victims" is part of the reason HIV continues to spread.

No one was actually "defining sex" as that, they were having a discussion based on the above story. Context.

I got my first car after I graduated law school and ended up with a Nissan because I was treated similarly by a Honda dealership. I was leasing, not buying, and the sales guy straight up lied to my face about the amount of local and state taxes for leasing, telling me they were much higher than they were when I

Not from an ethical perspective (in which case, obviously) but a contractual one - what level of bodily autonomy does a surrogate have exactly? I was under the impression that when you sign a surrogacy contract, it it the parents choice to abort the child (as well as insist on things like no alcohol and cigarettes,

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

I feel like in general, if you become a surrogate it is best to be prepared to honour the parents' wishes should they want to abort due to a catastrophic birth defect.

My god, I haven't seen that video in years.

I knew a guy once who had the classic drunken blackout tattoo moment, except that when he woke up with a brand new mystery tattoo, his was beautiful and said "Karate Explosion" in gorgeous script with pretty curlicues and stuff. Did he do karate? No he did not. Does he know where he got the tattoo? No he does not.

Yup. She's setting them up, complete with documentation via email. And I have to say, the clinic could have done a much better job avoiding this shitshow. "Thank you for your application. We have decided not to progress to an interview at this time." Plausible deniability; case closed.

Why do you even care? Do you really, truly care if someone does this? I always see some person jumping all over stories like this, talking down to people, bringing up the same points over and over again. Do you really think women have abortions for fun? That every single unwanted pregnancy was from some "party girl"

Again, I acknowledged that they were wrong in categorizing her swimsuit as underwear - but that doesn't negate the fact that there is a Health Code regulation regarding attire allowed in public pools, upon which the employee was basing their actions. Pool employees know that swimmers are not allowed in the pool in