Most likely, yes.
Most likely, yes.
Whatever you’re talking about, I’m sure it is.
Whatever it is I’m sure you did.
Man, your ego is seriously bruised to need this much soothing.
If you can’t quote it, it doesn’t exist. You are just making things up.
What you think doesn’t matter, diminished intellectual capacity is a disability.
I’m not claiming to have a disability. I said if you say I’m a dummy, YOU are saying that I do. You are perceiving a disability and attacking due to it. That makes your name calling hate speech, in objective reality. (such as it is)
And that person would be whom?
You don’t seem capable of much so I’m going to say you can’t, even though I have no idea what you are talking about.
I never knew what you were talking about in the first place. And I didn’t lose track of what I was talking about, (like you clearly have).
There are no reasons for you to refuse to just quote what thing I said you are referring to, that’s don’t make you look bad.
Nah, to what? Your ability to hold real conversation? Yes, I’d say that is nonexistent.
When Kinja jumbles them all up the way they do, yeah, they are coming out of nowhere.
Again, this is just a nonsense game by you to distract from the fact that you lost the real argument.
Which one would that be? You should really stop making things up. We all know you won’t post a quote because you are just making up lies now.
Which of the many arguments are you referring to? Again, I will happily discuss it specifically, but you don’t actually want to do that. You want to play games and hide behind your inability to make a real argument.
The only one floundering here is you, as evidenced by your need to rely on ad hominem, and your refusal…
You proscibe legal punishment to discourage that kind of speech. Exactly how we do now and have always done.
If you really think I am a dummy, then you think I am disabled. And then you made fun of me for it. What I think about myself is irrelevant.
Do what with whom?
Can what? Can ramble on all day making up lies to make yourself feel better? Yes, we know, we all see it. But can you post a simple quote, that’s the real question and the answer is clearly “no”.
No need for what? You know non sequiturs don’t count as a conversation right? You claim you are right here for one but when people talk to you, all you do is play games.
Lol, prove what?
What argument are you even talking about? Stop making thing up.
What this is is a game you are playing to cover your lack of ability to hold your own in a real conversation. What this is, is you trying to make yourself feel better. That’s why you spent hours going in circles and avoiding providing a simple quote. Heck, you probably don;’t even remember what you were talking about.