
I’ve already told you

You said even if she gets clean it would be cruel. Which is saying that all open adoptions are cruel because if she was clean, it would be like any other open adoption, that will not be reversed.

Yes, cowards who hide behind anonymous names. Like everyone here. Seriously how is one ANONYMOUS name different than another?

Man this is HILARIOUS.

You don’t seem to have a very good understanding of open adoption. It’s not cruel or insane.

so fucking make a real account and try to interact with others like a human being.

I know, it’s so hard to actually pay attention to what people’s names are.

Your ridiculous response is quite.

Empty threats are always funny.

I can’t take anyone seriously who uses a V for U.

It’s not someone else fault people can’t read.

Whatever, I’m entertained.

What exactly are you going to do if he ignores you? This tough guy routine is HILARIOUS.

Exactly. I got in a big argument with someone on this site who kept insisting that “asian” didn’t mean people from India, Pakistan etc. Even though those are countries in Asia.

Or, you know, they are animals and outside is a perfectly fine place for them to be if they want to go there.

Mr Yuk stickers are always the way to go. Always put one on your edibles.

I drove a ‘92 Jetta for 13 years. And I bought it in ‘03.

No that’s the people who don’t give a shit about their fellow human beings and the conditions they would be sent to.

Content ID must be why all the People’s Court videos on Youtube are all zoomed in. Been wondering about that.

Costco sells big ones.

They make low-sodium varieties.

Meat versions also come is low-sodium varieties, that’s what I like to use.