
Yes, I am racist for pointing out how dumb you and the original commenter sound with your white women and “fancy” soaps go together hand-in-hand. You claim to be a man of color, does your own mother not like fancy soaps? Do you really think fancy soap is a white woman thing? The company that makes these “fancy” soaps

Everyone of all races buys soap, nice soaps, fancy soaps even. What white nonsense is the belief that WOC don’t like “fancy” soap? But thanks for stepping in, white man, to defend this white woman’s honor.

Do you think WOC don’t use fancy* soap? Shea Moisture owes ALL of its success to WOC. Fuck out here.

I have personally seen the confederate flag flown in both Boston, MA and Michigan state. Supporters of the confederacy are not confined to the southern states. They exist here (and even abroad - e.g., Nazi supporters in Germany) and they are not ashamed to fly that flag no matter where they are. The only people who

OK so now you are focused solely on the “effective revenge” aspect. In that respect, I did not see the show as being far off from reality. There will be situations where it is an effective revenge and others where it will not be effective because the people care so little about the person who died by suicide. But the

I think you are the one intentionally misunderstanding. Did you watch the series? The revenge was effective and the suicide was a skillful way to escape/end the pain. Now, in your mind your definition of “effective escape” (as all methods that do not include self-harm) was implicit in your first comment but in

LOL. Only “rednecks” are racists? HAHAHA. You guys must be white.

Why are you surprised that racists exist everywhere? Do you never leave your house?

Because I disagree with you, I must be intentionally misunderstanding? No, I intentionally disagree; what you are saying does not make any sense given the definitions of the words “skillful” and “effective.” You say suicide is neither a skillful nor an effective way to end the pain or to inflict pain upon others,

So ummm ... yeah. Neither of those babies is white.

Hmm. I’m not attempting to glorify or glamorize but suicide is the most effective way to escape that pain; it is a literal end to the pain. Now, it’s not the healthiest option but it is the “most effective.”

Sometimes suicide is (partially) an act of revenge.

Or it was Zeke Smith’s decision whether and when to reveal that he is transgender.

Spotify offers both free-streaming and subscription services.

Their Mexican-Greek owned Indian restaurant in Indiana managed to stay open. I would say they were doing pretty well.

The funny thing is the folks in the fly over states support candidates that make massive cuts to education and do nothing to develop new jobs appropriate for today’s technology-focused global economy. These folks would rather cling to their desire to return to the 1950s than vote for policies that will facilitate

Ugh. You may mean well but this comment is so disgusting. You are speaking about us like you are watching animals at a zoo. Do you similarly fetishize curly hair on white women?

Do not let strangers touch your hair. 1) It is rude af. 2) Touching another person’s hair is an intimate act. 3) Excessive manipulation causes breakage. 4) If they do thrust their dirty hand(s) into your hair, immediately place your hands full into their hair and ask them “how do you like it?”

Your natural hair is neither crazy nor unprofessional. Please stop hating yourself; do not internalize racist views. Your hair is beautiful.

Wow. Good job! You’re hired!