
Cole Hahn heels last for years and years. Get the ones with the Nike soles to support your forceful strut. ;-)

What the fuck did I just watch?

What broad assumption? Just because you misunderstood my point doesn’t mean you get to dismiss my point on this issue and treat the issue as if it is not real. The film’s marketing revolved around Matt Damon. The trailers centered around whiteness in support of the racist belief - direct and internalized - that you

When will we say enough is enough?

You do realize that his inexperience, incompetence, and reliance on nepotism puts all of those “accomplishments” at issue, right?

Internalized racism can result in POC creating content set in non-majority white societies but nonetheless centered on white people.

You are making a distinction without a difference. If you believe that the only way to preserve “your way of life” is to embrace a racist asshole, then you actually have no issue with racism - i.e., you are racist.

Please stop lying. Have you ever considered that the mere creation of the nation state of Israel and its attendant forcible removal of Palestinians from their homes - actions that continue to this day - is why some Palestinians hate Israelis. If I came to your house, forcibly ejected you with the aid of several

The 19th Amendment gave black women the right to vote just as the 15th Amendment have black men the right to vote. /s

What are you talking about? Zionists Jews literally lobbied for the creation of the nation state of Israel and Palestinians were and continue to be forcibly ejected from their homes to make room for more Jews in Israel.

You do realize you can be against the existence of a “Jewish nation state” and not be an anti-Semite, right? You can 100% not support European nations diving up land across the global and awarding it to whomever they please irrespective of who lives on that land and not be an anti-Semite, right? I mean if Zionists

She advanced the cause of WHITE women’s rights. That is feminism for white women or white feminism, not a universal advancement of the rights of women. Please stop peddling this patently false narrative that suffragists helped women; they only helped white women.

To be a feminist, you have to have the core belief that all people are equal. A white supremacist believes the exact opposite. You’re not a feminist if you believe black women are not equal to white men.

Correction: It didn’t matter to you.

What does that have to do with the price of rice in China?

Because they did not obtain her permission to use her cells.

Consent procedures were different then, sure but it still does not justify what happened here. Slavery was once legal too.

Henrietta Lack’s cells/body had value to her and her family. Corporations do not set the value of (black) bodies. You think the medical community intentionally lying to Henrietta and her family is merely a miscommunication? Where is your evidence of a miscommunication? Why are you so quick to disregard this black

LOL. History begs to differ.

America was this way until about 1607 AD.