
You are elevating bigots to the level of rationale people. What is there to respect about bigots? Why should their views be heard? Do you think the world benefits from hearing them out? What good do you think will actually come from giving bigots a seat at the table and a gosh darn microphone? History shows that no

You’re disdain for non-Indian and Asian people of color is painfully obvious from this post. Very sad that you too have fallen victim to the notion of white supremacy.

What will we learn from bigots? You are elevating their beliefs to the level of rationale, logical thoughts which they most certainly are not. Engaging with a moron won’t make you any smarter and will not alert their beliefs. Studies show that those with misinformation double down on their ill-informed beliefs when

Why don’t you tell that to the bigots? They are the ones who need to open their minds and learn to respect people who are different from themselves.

I’m being obtuse? You state that most whites do not embrace racism, just all of the “benefits” that come with racism. This is a distinction without a difference.

I know the history of this country and already knew that because Texas purchases so many textbooks it has a large role in crafting the content that appears on the page. I don’t have any questions about American history or Texas textbooks; my question is why do white people readily embrace racism? Even a cursory glance

If you believe that what I am saying about white people embracing racism is racist then you are either a moron, a person attempting to obfuscate the issues, or both.

I don’t do this. Many people don’t do this. I’m sick of these “excuses” meant to sweep racism under the rug like “Oh well, nothing we can do here.” There’s actually lots one can do; the first is to fix one’s thinking.

Because that’s not what I see when I look at society. I don’t see white people as being superior to any other group of people on any basis and that equality is so painfully obvious to me that I am honestly baffled.

These are good points but it is white people sheltering other white people from this knowledge, right? And one individual may chose not to explore, but to say it’s not built into the DNA of humans to question their reality goes against everything we know about the human experience.

This is very strange to me. I am a person of color and I have broken bread with a person of every race and every religion without even really trying. It’s really not hard to have friends, acquaintances, neighbors, co-workers, etc. of all stripes so this insulation, in my view, must be self-imposed. To my mind, racism

No, I’m not racist nor do I consider racism to be funny.

But how could you believe that given American history? That is the question. It’s not Jimmy was a nice, quiet boy. In fact, it’s more like we knew Jimmy was a murderous psychopath all along. Again, given the weight of American history, is it really that white people were simply inattentive or merely selfish? There is

Hides it better? From whom is it hidden? Certainly not people of color, who have been speaking loudly on these issues. I’m still baffled that with the weight of American history, there are white people who are “shocked” to learn that racists do such racist things. Why exactly are you surprised? How could this be news

This is a real, non-catty question but why do white Americans deem such coverage “eye-opening”? Do you not receive history lessons? I am always baffled by the lack of basic understanding of American history among American whites. Do white Americans simply believe that racial inequality just made itself? Or do you

Do you think you are a racist POS?

Yes, that must be it; I must not like comedy despite participating in a thread about a comedy special. I must be the problem because obviously racism is fine. /s What is wrong with you? Joke about your own race if you want. I don’t have a problem with that but jokes made at the expense of other people of color are

Which was what? Which black joke was completely unnecessary? All of them ever excepting a handful told by certain black comics. But here, I am specifically speaking about the black joke in Ali Wong’s Baby Cobra special.

Ali Wong’s special included a completely unnecessary “black joke.” But I guess that’s what you have to do to get that sweet, sweet white people money.

Why were you casually eating tacos with a white supremacist? That’s just a regular Tuesday for you? How could you stay friends with this person and her boyfriend? They are both 100% stupid and 100% trash.