You're not the only one.
Very apt comparison and a great way to explain the changes made from each game. You can't keep doing the same shit and expect people to fall for it every time. Look at what happened with Amnesia. Dead Space 2 and 3 needed that action evolution to keep it from being so samey as the first and it even gave rise to some…
It was some worried mom all the way over in CANADA.
To her credit, she probably had absolutely zero idea what the culture is like in Texas nor how extreme they are. I'd really like to see someone reaching out to her to see what she thinks of the outcome here.
"The Super Awesome Micro Project", as this has become known, is not a special effect. That really is a life-size car…
Called it. WoW making its moves to Free 2 Play.... well hopefully. F2P is much better then Pay 2 Play with a cash shop
It was that day one dlc that you got with your pre-order, and if you didn't buy a new copy (or the pre-order, can't remember exactly which), then you would have to end up buying the day one dlc. The dlc was that Prothean squad member. He was lame as a team member personality wise but the short flashbacks he gave…
I liked the first and third games the best myself, personally. (Dead Space trilogy that is).
He's dumb as a brick, just read his comments. I'm not sure if he's trolling yet or not . I think he might just be irrational, but who knows lol.
I'm pretty sure the point of "30 minute delivery" is that the delivery happens when you are home to pick it up immediately.
The fact that EA, a company whose greatest crime is releasing subpar games, won that vote over companies that don't pay a living wage despite their massive profits, companies that profit from hurting people, and companies that are actively working to destroy the world... well, it says a lot about the terrible state…
Aye, I saw the trailer, but it's going to be soooo long...
I just want a new Battlefront game, that's all. Defending Hoth from The Empire on PS4, that's what I want to do.
I think I'm going to have to reinstall SW:TOR. This looks pretty amazing. Dem LAZERZ
SWG's good is all the crafting, and all the collector items you can find in game. that's about it.
There's plenty of flaws with TOR - PLENTY - but complete lack of story? Either you've never actually played the game or you're engaging in hyperbole.