
thereby reiterating the fact that nothing good can come from three months of brewing in Milwaukee.

It seems like every time you guys post a story about Turner Field it involves a Braves fan who could use a good railing.

The pool was subsequently banned for 100 games for testing positive for 6 different PEDs.

...(of Latter-Day Saints).

"Excuse me, sirs, do you have a moment to talk about that awful fucking call? Jesus Christ!"

Blown calls are part of the game, but there's no excuse for this type of mistake by officials. They're trained to let the play finish, which in this case it did. In the endzone. There's nothing to suggest he was out of bounds, so when Zippy McWhistlenuts made the errant call it should have been reviewed and


Clearly, he didn't inherit his skills at hitting buttons on electronic equipment from his father, the videographer.

He has a helmet covering his eyes, he's disoriented and he STILL manages not to run into the ass of any of his offensive linemen.

Wake up in the morning feelin' like Rick Stanzi,

Baby Got BAC

The field now holds the title of second-most-watered-down Coors.

Donald Trump: only natural born American hits count. No one cares about how many hits he had in China.

I think it's nice that the team named itself after the resident who graduated high school without at least one arrest for meth possession.

Dateline: Pennsylvania

I'm sorry baby I shouldn't have said that. I'm totally in the wrong on this one

Dammit honey Deadspin is my domain and I told you to leave me alone here

Except in your case, the fault has to do with inches, not feet, amiright?