Ivor O'Connor

If you don't have gays and LGBT in the military then you don't have the best military. The authors tirade against Trump though is a shame. He'd be better off just sticking to the facts.

True, I love seeing all the hate towards Trump. Like this article. Trump says work hard and you can then buy a yacht and party. The author here spins it to sex and makes references to Hitler. Which then all the haters jump on as if it were true. Society consists of too many followers and not enough thinkers. Like

You need to learn to read. A brain is a horrible thing to waste.

Says the haters too stupid to realize the author is playing them.

I would never make it as a scout.
1) Not into regional religious cults.
2) Not into regional patriotism.
3) Not into helping people I don't agree with.

Yep. I figure ACA, like Trump has said, will crumble under its own weight. At that point in time a single payer system like every other industrialized nation has will be an obvious solution for the majority of people who will no longer have health insurance. Watch and learn.

The author claims Trump is racist because Trump tells a story about a guy making a ton of money and then having fun on a yacht? Then brings up Hitler? The ACA thing should be replaced with a single payer system. As the ACA is now it will collapse soon. Sorry to break it to you Obama fans but the ACA is dead. But keep

Best president since Eisenhower!

Love seeing Trump make everybody squirm.

Best comedy show since TV was created. I hope season 2 is as good!

Yes I do want a woman playing the role that is inspiring. She's suppose to be able to turn heads. Towards her not away from her.

Three ideas about how this show came to be:
1) They want to test if anything with the name "Marvel" in it will be a success.
2) Agent Carter is blackmailing some Hollywood mogul for her own show.
3) Agent Carter is the daughter of some Hollywood mogul.