jesse jackson iv


Chill, child.

You know the real problem with voter apathy?

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

I’m sorry, but the list of political dynamics and issues where Obama needs an explainer from Libby Watson is exceedingly short.

“gaming cred is like street cred”

Who are you or anyone else to claim someone is a “real gamer” or not?

Imagine a world, where content creators are paid by the word....

Ah yes, Billy Haisley, the man who has written many things praising Lil B, is here to tell us that hip hop is dead

“These people have awful names.”

Counterpoint: the Uncle Drew ads are fine.

Is this the movie poster for Rocky IV Loko?

The guy did his time, seems remorseful, has been an advocate against dog fighting, and a good citizen. He’s paid for his sins, what more do you want?

Exactly as MLK warned us about in “Letter from A Birmingham Jail”: “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice;

Telling someone to apologize is bullying? Are you literally from Sesame Street?

Sounds like bullying to me.

Man, I remember growing up, all the asshole kids would demand apologies from me. Really traumatizing.

I’m sure HighAndTight really likes that movie “Hidden Fences.”

“You think that’s bad—you should see my videos of the things they say at practice”

But there’s two criticisms to be made there.