
I have a little Mini ITX build for my Plex Server software. Gigabyte ITX motherboard, G4560, 4GB 2133MHz RAM, and a 120GB Corsair NVME SSD. That all came to $150 for the base system. For the hard drives, though, I kept the quality up with a Seagate Ironwolf Pro 4TB when first built and added an 8TB WD Red Pro about a

Why are you apologizing for a five year old phone? That’s much longer than Android updates get rolled out by manufacturers like Samsung, LG, and HTC. My Moto X never got past Lollipop, but my 4S received five years of updates.

I don’t completely agree with the closing statement. Men poke away to get their orgasm because that’s what they want to do. If you don’t speak up about what you want to do to reach your orgasm or physically start doing it, then you have to take the blame for the lackluster sex.

Hillary Clinton to Waste Everyone’s Time With a Book to Tell Us How It All Went Wrong

With products like Netgear’s Nighthawk, I don’t completely see why Apple needs to continue to make routers. At one point, getting an AirPort Extreme and like two or three AirPort Express’ was the best option to get internet all over your home. Extremely simple to setup!

Now playing

I’ve uploaded PC gameplay of the first few minutes. My channel so far is meant mostly for those seeking performance for the laptop I own, but if you’re interested in some PC gameplay, check it out! :)

I bought one at Micro Center for $0.99 last week. I’m searching for something to do with it. First time dabbling with these tiny computers.

I sense a “Love You Down” lawsuit coming for that video you embedded. ;)

No, that damn Fn key is still in the wrong place. Sigh.

When did this drop from $20?!

The most private thing I'm willing to admit:

I deleted Swiftkey a minute after trying it. For me, the stock iOS keyboard is perfect. On Android, Swiftkey is a must.

Not as much as in the early days of the iPad. I used to play some games, watch movies and videos, and read a ton on it. Games have lost their appeal, I watch movies on my TV, videos on my phone, and most magazines aren't very good anymore. I read books on a Kindle now, and Comixology won't let me buy comics from them.

Hopefully there's a way for them to patch in a settings file that turns down shadows, ambient occlusion, and anti aliasing. You know, Medium settings. Maybe a bump down to 1280x720 will help, too. How long are Sony and Microsoft keeping these midrange gaming PCs in the market from 2012 in the market for again?

"American components! Russian components! All Made in Taiwan!!!

Big Daddy from Django Unchained needs to narrate this!!!

I'm still waiting for them to let me give them money. I haven't bought anything since they removed in-app buying on iOS. I do like how all the week's releases are packaged into one zip file for zero dollars via torrents, though.

Waka Waka is pure perfection in Spanish. The English lyrics are atrocious. Since it's Shakira's native tongue, all those small language quirks are sung properly. Just like I sound better speaking English and Spanish, while sounding really weird speaking French, Shakira always sounds "off" in English.

Phil Jackson, BULLY!!!

Wait... Where in the F*** are my dark green Dallas Stars uniforms?!?