
The real question is, are strippers mandatory at the after party? Because that is essentially the function the women were filling, even if they didn’t actually strip.

And yes, the after party is mandatory. That’s what networking is about.

Some just out of college bro marketing coordinator just lost his job.

“Just get on with filling my heart with hope and then get off my lawn!”

You are correct: Teenaged girls are the kick-assest they’ve ever been

“Only I get to decide if I’m humiliated or not — why would people assume I am humiliated by my own breast, nipple or body?” she said. “I didn’t realize my boob was such a big deal — it was nothing to me.”

Yup. She gets to decide how she feels about it. I’m glad to hear it was a positive rather than a negative experience.

Me too.. i care too much all the time.

When I was in high school, my family was all, “Should we perhaps go into debt for private school so she can get into a ‘fancy’ college?” (aaaahhh pre-recession life). And my relative (who is a college-admissions coach) was like, “Nope. If she excels in public school and plays that up in her essays, and keeps doing the

My mom has a very naive view of college. Like, if I wanted to study fashion design and I got into Parsons and Harvard, “WELL OF COURSE YOU GO TO HARVARD IT’S THE BEST”... but not for fashion design, mom haha. Also the idea that if you go to college you are automatically secured a job. Like when I was 23 and couldn’t

On the other hand, I was a National Merit Scholar who went to a really good public school with tons of APs and I got into no Ivies. College admissions are weird, man.

I handwrote my application to Yale in pencil, and stream of consciousnessed the essay precisely because I knew my mother would make me go if I got in. I was taking NO chances.

God and I never dated a dude like Logan in real life, NEVER. But for some reason I loved him and wanted to sashay into his life, blow his mind sexually, shit on him (literally and figuratively) and be gone.

BIGGEREST SWERVE: The power couple Rory and Paris are planning their wedding now that it’s legal and that’s why everyone is back in town.

It’s incredible how pervasive unconscious bias is. I was floored by that study that showed unconscious gender bias in grading math papers. You would think that in something as purely logical as math, it wouldn't have room to seep in, but it did.

I don’t understand why we can’t make initials-plus-last name the international standard for resumes. Or just initials. Everybody wins.

It’s sad, but not at all surprising. I’m a small business owner, and many of my suppliers are men. About a year ago I created the alias ‘Dick Berns’ to use in purchasing. Since then I’ve found that on average my orders ship 2 days faster and cost 6% less when the person on the other end of the transaction thinks that

Every time I hear about “present exactly the same person/work but trick the decision-maker into believing the person is male (/white/able-bodied/straight)” experiments I want to scream and shove it in everyone’s faces. People spend so much time and energy saying “women (/PoC/etc) just don’t try as hard / don’t care as

I write under male-sounding names online, and I have mixed feelings about it. Is it easier? Fuck yes. Does it make me angry how much easier it is? Fuck yes.

my daughter’s name is jameson (well before this current trend!) I Honestly never thought about it as rejection of feminine names in favor of a masculine one. But it’s true that we did pick it for its strength.

Ugh this is why I hate the trend of naming baby girls traditionally “boy names.” Quit giving power to the men, we need to prove that women are just as competent! Stop conceding and saying fck it “Name ‘em all James.”