kinja why?!?!?

Man, it’s crazy to think back on Dragon Age Origins now. What are the odds we’ll get another DA:O type RPG from an AAA developer these days? CD Projet Red, sort of, but not really. I dunno, feels like mainstream gaming is leaving me behind.

I’m just baffled at this. Bioware making a game that’s not an RPG is just... mindboggling. They’re one of the few devs with a strong pedigree in a single genre like that, to just so totally abandon it... yikes.

Same, for the first time in my life I’m not even remotely interested in getting a Bioware game. I don’t like how that feels.

Yeah, this looks like what I was afraid it would be. Seems like a major waste of BioWare’s talents.

I was really hoping it wouldn’t be another Destiny/Warframe wannabe. Screw multiplayer co-op stuff. I want single player RPG’s. I want some Bioware in my Bioware games!

The town in question is Birmingham, Alabama, and it’s not just any old statue of Vulcan, it’s a 56-foot tall statue looming above the city. (There’s also a temple of Vesta. There was a time when classical Greek and Roman influences were stronger in Alabama than Christian ones — hence all the towns with names like

Your comment is why I love The Force Awakens. What Rey is going to mean to a generation of little girls. I well up just thinking about the lightsabre flying into her hand.

No worries, from what I’ve seen ALL of the romance options are underwhelming, not just the gay ones.

Utterly excellent write up. One small quibble: I believe the Reapers were the creators of the Citadel and the mass relays, no? Or is that venturing too close to spoiler territory?

Ok, I’m pretty sure that it was the Reapers that made the mass effect relays and the citadel not the Protheans. They built it so that races like the Protheans would advance in ways that the reapers could predict.

Correction and also Spoilers for Mass Effect 3:

Slight change, in number one everyone assumes that the Protheans were indeed the ones who created the mass effect relays/citadel/etc, but I’m pretty sure at the end of it (or definitely during number 2 somewhere) it’s revealed that, no, they were just the latest in a loooooong line of ones to stumble across it

Jumping in to stress, if there are those who wish to argue it, that this is not “criticism.” Criticism is measured and well considered. Criticism makes an argument. Criticism makes a case. Criticism comes from a position of good faith and respect.

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