
Their? I've seen this mistake so many times that I tend to believe that US People don't know english...

5 years ago, we paid less than 1000$ to photograph our wedding, including the ceremony, the post-wedding celebration lunch and the celebration party we held in a night club for friends. Totalling more than 8 hours of work.

I hope tainted doesn't come from taint ... aka perineum

As it was stated in the article, this myth is in Textbooks. In high school they taught us that lift is due to Bernulli effect.

This will make any crowbar glow in the dark...

...the device puzzlingly simple. -> the device is puzzlingly simple.

Correct. Döner Kebab is gyro...

Well, the proximity sensor is the infra-red sensor. It just not only emits IR but also receives it. So if you are close enough, the detector detects / receives the specific IR wavelength bounced of your skin.

Now playing

Even if loads of people say you are wrong, this is not the case.

Neither is PoopBoth...

I agree with you, as seeing a real painting can be a marvellous experience. I remember sitting in front of Dali's Saint John in Glasgow for hours. But, try for example to see the texture of the canvas and paint of Mona Lisa - La Gioconda in Louvre standing a few feet away, being pushed by a dozen "art admirers"... I

What about whatsapp application? Does the same for free for more than a year now and for multiple platforms...