Ivan Taran

Even burned doesn't count given *SPOILERS*

As to this: "Well then I hope you will prove me wrong with empirical evidence and historical record… but I doubt it."

"Your entire attempt to refute the concept of "white privilege" rests on refusing to understand what it is. Which, of course, is an integral component of white privilege."

"Yes, it was. This is inarguable. It's literally written into laws everywhere from Texas to South Africa."

We have a history of pogroms and massacres in our history too, that is certainly not to be denied. Every subset of the human population has dirty laundry and mass graves in their historical closet. But that's also why we should be more specific in our discourse, rather than using categories that are overbroad if we

But you see, "problems with white people," is an ethnic homogenization that dilutes identities into boxes that aren't useful in describing their culture. I can understand having a grievance against this nation's people, or that nation's people, for the wrongs they committed in history. But "white people" as a

"So many people live in a country where the overweight are shamed into silence for the crime of existence. "

I apologize, I thought you were responding to me, my bad.

Hey, buddy, see my name, my non-western non-American name? English ain't my first language, and I come from a country that 25 years ago hadn't existed for over 300 years primarily as a result of colonialism by the Russians, Germans, Poles and Turks. And to this day, my country struggles in similar ways as the

"Shallow view of history? Slavery, colonization, the genocide of the Native Americans, Jim Crow… all done by white people for the benefit of white people. "

"It's actually a specific problem in his show, all characters speak in Louis CK's voice, and it goes from stylistic tic to actively alienating when he is attempting to write from someone else's voice (in this case a fat woman's voice, earlier in the show, a gay man's voice)."

"No matter how sad it may be that the only way many will start to understand this maligned populace is if a white guy explains it to them, the fact remains that through the platform of his critically acclaimed show, Louis C.K. has given voice to the fat girl."