This may be the most attractive photo of Michael Cera I’ve ever seen.
This may be the most attractive photo of Michael Cera I’ve ever seen.
Bryant’s face is great, but the slow-mo background leap of Russell and Baez is also spellbinding.
Good stuff.
Emma Watson looks great as Belle, but it’s a damn shame that the role doesn’t allow for me to see Dan Steven’s face.
That’s where they keep it at my Sprouts.
And if you’re using speakerphone in the office, CLOSE THE DOOR. (also, if you’re using speakerphone in a cubicle, I’ve probably already imagined your death)
I think the only one of yours I haven’t gotten is the God wants you to thing. Otherwise, you said it!
Yep. One choice doesn’t have to be better than the other. No one has to win the award for best person. We just have to do what we think is the right thing for each of us.
I might have one or two others, but I’d agree with this.
My friends and I who watch baseball fill in the downtimes during games by doing what we call AssChat. It’s always nice to appreciate what’s out there. I’m having trouble admitting it, because I’ve been rooting for the Cubs, but Bauer does have a nice can.
Heh, I was thinking it was quite fitting, actually, given what the housing market has been like in the last ten years.
Oh yeah, the place was wired for it, I just didn’t have service or a phone.
I had trouble with cops showing up to my new to me condo saying I’d called 911. We didn’t have a landline, didn’t even have a phone, so it was definitely not us! I don’t know what actually happened to finally resolve it, but those were weird calls to make to the phone company. They wanted my account number. I don’t…
And his response: FASCINATING. Is it?
I love it when people come at her for shit like her heritage or her service. Yes, pick the part of her life that seems pretty impeachable. I mean, I am not in IL so I don’t know a lot about her political positions, but that would seem a safer avenue to go after. Jesus.
That one is amazing too.
That reaction was the best.
I did too.
I mean, no, it’s not a caricature (so err, I guess it IS different) but I would also love to see that logo changed.