Classic example of our failed educational system

There are a lot of horrible people out there.  And there are a lot of greedy people out there.  And their interests often line up.  Welcome to Earth.

My understanding is that Nintendo controls a majority of their stock, so a hostile takeover is impossible.  

All good points, and maybe I should have left “still” out of the question, because it can be read that I’m implying they intended to from the beginning.

Amazon Kids sucks because it locks out skills, which means you can’t use it as a sound machine.  

Its crazy that we are 15 months into a console cycle and I have still never seen a single unit on a store shelf. And if this shortage continues into next year, we will be halfway through the normal lifespan of the systems. Will MS and Sony still push out a mid cycle upgrade? Continue work on whatever is next? Try to

Somehow this will end up with every American being required to dump no less than 100 lbs of lead in their local drinking water supply annually.

I will die on this hill with you.

You are right that there is no appeasing the idiots spouting this nonsense.

Good luck.  I’ve never been involved in the formation of a union, but by most accounts it is a difficult process, but worth it.

Good, keep this going.  Stories like the TT one yesterday prove without a doubt that Unions are 100% necessary in this industry.  

That would make sense.  Have exclusive COD as a launch title.

But can he kickflip?

I can’t imagine it would be timed exclusives.  Imagine if they made Zombie mode exclusive to Xbox.  Exclusive maps, skins, etc.  Maybe one thing isn’t enough, but it adds up.  The multi console owners will switch, the hardcore players will switch and before you know it the PS advantage over MS is inversed.  Now maybe

Interesting thought on DLC contracts. I always assumed those were made for each release, but they might be for multiple years.

Yeah I wonder if MS won’t put it on the PS for at least a year or two, but keep exclusive DLC and modes on the Xbox.  That will slowly get the base to shift before they make it completely exclusive.  It is probably a better financial decision too, because I doubt 20 million PS players are going to suddenly buy an

Except you can literally play gamepass games on iphones and ipads, on top of current and last gen consoles, and pcs, with more hardware support coming. They even reached out to Nintendo to try to get it on the Switch. They want it on anything that they can get it on. Microsoft (along with most console makers) either

Obviously they are trying to consolidate as much content as possible, just like Netflix and Disney and every streaming service is currently trying to do. I wasn’t discussing the software and monopoly side of things. I was merely talking about the ultimate distribution method that Microsoft is working towards. And I’m

You are right, its not. Right now. But that is their plan. They want you to be able to play Halo on any screen you can.  Your tv, your computer, your phone, tablet, fridge, whatever.  That is what they are trying to build.

I think the reason your analogy probably isn’t right long term, is that this isn’t a move for Xbox so much as for Gamepass.  It seems like Microsoft is planning to become the Netflix of gaming, so your hardware really wouldn’t matter.  In the immediate future it could be problematic, and will continue to be so unless

Yeah, if I was trying to piss somebody off I probably wouldn’t show them 70 pounds lighter.