Classic example of our failed educational system

Is this the same on Android?

Obviously this is a wonderful event and showcases some of the best aspects of society. I’m just trying to point out that this isn’t the time to distract ourselves. After Columbine, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Aurora, Blacksburg, Orlando, etc etc.... we distracted ourselves. We found something easier to deal

I understand the sentiment, but I would argue that distracting ourselves and ignoring the underlying social issues that led to the last few days is what got us here in the first place. People keep dying and we mourn for a few days then move on with our lives until it happens again. Its becoming so prevalent that we

I take that back, that is just your kickstarter backer number. Your mighty number was emailed to you in Nov 2013 and also used to set up your account on the Mighty No 9 website.

Your backer number can be found on the project reward page here. Click your reward tier and you should see your number.

Isn’t a gallon technically a measure of volume, and not mass (weight)? For that reason, without knowing the density of almond milk vs regular milk (what percent?) one could not accurately determine if 96 oz of almond milk is the same as gallon of regular milk. I would assume they are very similar, but I am also just

oh my...

When the dust settles, all the parents will act surprised and insist they had no idea their children were capable of such crimes. But I bet papa knew.

Sounds like Bosh is his own worst anemia.

“I lost my last girlfriend because of Tinder.”

I have gotten one hair cut a year for the last twenty years. I shave it all off at the beginning of the summer. It’s cool all summer, but then grows in and provides insulation in the winter. I have never once paid for a haircut.

Looks like this was a mistake, they just cancelled my order.

Looks like this was a mistake, they just cancelled my order.

I’m getting married this year and my only stipulation was that it could not occur between June 10th and September 20th. Other than that she could literally make me agree to anything.

For some reason the script the website uses always pulls the retail price, not the sale price. When you click through it will show $99.99.

For some reason the script the website uses always pulls the retail price, not the sale price. When you click

Yeah, one of my past dogs hated thunderstorms and would often refuse to go out. My oldest dog right now will poop almost immediately on walks when its raining hard because he knows we will turn around if everyone has done their business during a storm.

Absolutely, and that is why I noted to praise your dog for good behavior. Dogs respond very well to positive reinforcement and not well to negative reinforcement. But even if they did respond well, why would you get a pet just to yell at it? It makes no sense. Dogs are like small children, they don’t understand much

Oh absolutely. My fiance thought it was so weird that my dog would come stare at me at 5 minutes until 6:00 everyday. But that has been his dinner time for the last thirteen years and he knows. Although it always messes him up when we turn the clocks back in the fall. Dogs are very much like children, they want a

A general rule of thumb is that they can hold their bladder for about an hour for each month of age up to about 6 months of age, at which point they should be able to make it through a normal work day.

Any idea of the spec requirements on PC yet? It might finally be time for a processor upgrade.

I wouldn’t expect any surprises or any news about the NX here with E3 right around the corner. This is just something to satisfy the masses until June. If we are lucky, we might get a short teaser for Zelda.