Ivan Nazarov

Totally. It’s hard. It’s good they tried. But I was surprised when I was told that no people of color worked on the adventure directly. That would have been a good start.

This seems like a Damned if you, damned if you don’t kind of situation. I’m happy they published the adventure, even if they stumbled. They tried, which is a weird thing I have come to appreciate from white people around me as a PoC. It’s awkward sometimes, but I appreciate they try to include me and be mindful of me

The processing cost includes staff time, materials, and creation of the catalog entry. So, really it’s not all that expensive - especially when you consider all of the use one library item can get. I once looked up a beaten-up book to see its history; it had been checked out over 120 times. Pretty amazing.

Public libraries don’t add a whole lot of donated books to their collections. Granted, I’m sure they’re all a bit different and book budgets determine how much they rely on donations. 90% of the donations we receive at my library are in bad shape, dirty, mildewy, or just out of date. The few nice bestsellers (with

It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.

So a few years ago I started noticing that paperback editions of books we’re going out of print to be replaced with “trade paperback” editions that were larger and cost almost twice as much. I wouldn’t have minded if they sold both versions giving the consumer a choice, but they didn’t. They pulled the smaller cheaper

I like reading books. I get regular discounts on digital editions/compilation, buy my favorites at pre-order discounts, and will not shy away from used in-person or online (sad goodbye half.com). The title of the article was catchy and information about the players well laid out, but the clear ‘why’ didn’t stand out

WTF? How is it my problem, really? You are asking the consumer to compensate for the inability of both the parties involved to enforce proper checks. This is beyond ridiculous. What’s next? Stop going to the public library?

I’m not sure how any of this is the consumer’s responsibility though? If the cheapest new or indistinguishable ‘new’ book is on Amazon, it seems misguided to tell the consumer to pass it up because Amazon has a shoddy system of tracking provenance. Is it really my responsibility to make sure that Amazon and authors

Apropros of nothing, I can’t stand Kelso when I’m sober but love him when I’m high. It’s the weirdest thing.

I was hoping It Follows wouldn't be on here (just because I wasted a recent Friday watching it). Good soundtrack and a unique tone/setting, but totally not scary and frequently boring. I agree with almost every other film on this list, but IMO It Follows is massively overrated by critics