Ivanka's prison hair

I am so sorry that you lost your parents, but it seems that they will live on with how well they raised you and your brother. It also sounds like they had a good life with family and loved ones, and if it possible, a good death and they get to be together. If you give it time, it does get much easier, and if you


Anyone remember that story from Monday about the Nashville family whose community members successfully helped them escape from ICE? I went to a training today put on by a local activist organization and the neighbors were there. They were three women, two older and one younger, and they’d never done anything like that

All the time. I’m a model (an older, 40 something, one now but still work in the biz). When I was a teen and early 20's I used to get approached in major cities all the time by men who claimed to be model scouts and had seemingly legit business cards. Luckily for me, I had a mom who was very smart and told me very

Pretty much my exact thoughts when the news broke of his (probable) attempted suicide.  According to the Times, he didn’t do himself any lasting damage, so he needs to be monitored 24/7 ‘till this thing is seen through to the end.  I know better than to hope at this point, but I wouldn’t ask for anything for Christmas

I truly wish I could have your optimism. Even if Republican names are exposed, I doubt any of them will be “brought down.”

The deeper one reads into all of this, the more mindblowing it gets. So. Many. People. Involved. I’m really hoping that we get to read the unsealed Guiffre lawsuit soon. Shit is about to get absolutely fucking crazy. 

Keep this POS from killing himself until every bit of information is extracted from him, and then turn him loose in gen pop.  

I think that’s a dream we all share.

And they are enthusiastic. Chatty Logan likes to enjoy some quality time on my back, while resident floof Juneau has as his mission wreaking mischief in new and unusual ways. Today he took on the wet mop and nearly single-handedly defeated it. Next time.....

I love seeing Bruce every week but I can't believe nobody has scooped him up already! 

Besides Bruce, my faves are the enthusiastic welcoming committee.

As a fellow Bruce-fan, I’m trying to figure out what his expression is that is so captivating. That last picture of him!! What’s his personality like? (So I can fall more in love from afar). 

Shelter Cat Update!

TIIIIIIIIIIIN Roof Licker, Busted

I’ve heard reports that she had the flu. I have a serious, non-swarmy question for you and all those that are saying “don’t criminalize youthful indiscretions”. If not her, but someone else did this (I have seen TWO OTHERS already copy her, cause copying is a thing with that crowd) and you bought ice cream for a

According to the local news report I saw last night, they cleared out all of the cartons of that flavor at that store, then opened the lids to see if they could find one that had lost its air seal (for confirmation). Nothing went back on the shelf.

This is why I hate teens, and hated them as a teen. I was the weirdo who already had impulse control (I’m autistic I over-think fucking everything) while everyone else around me seemed to be on the train to stupidtown. I never drank, never smoked, never tried drugs, I just wanted to play video games and read books.

connected to the area through her older boyfriend’s family

Off topic, but I love your username.