Ivanka's prison hair

I just want sympathy points: my worst move happened LAST WEEK and I don’t even have any awful or hilarious anecdotes, it was just mundane gruelling stress of being given notice of eviction, frantically trying to find a new place in a horrific rental market (Dublin, Ireland), managing to land a place, and moving all

Mr. Pants and I moved to NYC so I could go to graduate school. Our previous place wasn’t the greatest, but it was reasonably big and it was cheap. My school had student housing, which was expensive, but easier to rent sight-unseen. The school described the building as full of “classic NYC apartments with wood floors

Oh- so many terrible moving stories. I don’t know whether the slob roommate, the hoarder roommate, or the dumbfuck movers are the most entertaining, so I’ll tell ‘em all! Sorry for the wall ahead of time.

The Slob:
We always wondered why our place smelled. We had a few animals, but no matter how much I cleaned- it

I wish I could star this a million times, high-five you, and buy you dinner. If I had a dollar for every “what do you have to be depressed about, your life is amazing” comment from a well-meaning friend... It’s only second on the terrible scale to “have you tried yoga”. Like, yes, Karen, I can now do a peacock pose

I followed Dooce and was part of her early community from the beginning as well. I adored her writing - still do, and missed her when she left. We are roughly the same age, and my kids are slightly older than hers. I found some of her parenting challenges relatable and never understood why people gave her such a hard

I read the book the day it came out and loved it so much.

Also, for the 5001st time, “anti-Semitism” is universally understood as having the meaning of “Jew hatred”. Language is quirky and things don’t always have the literal meaning of their origin. Your point adds nothing. You already understand that a “Caucasian guy” means generically “white”, and not a Daghestani, Chechen

And her father died at the age of 81. It’s not like it was a sudden, unexpected loss at a young age. Her aged parent passed away of illness. This is something most of us will experience in our lifetime and yet she seems to think it makes her somehow special and worthy of deference.

My mother, whose litmus test for dates I brought home was to whip out the family photo album and their cherished picture of my father beaming in between Waters and Divine (the failure to appreciate which on the part of my date inevitably led to subtle hints from my parents to keep my options open, there are other

Meghan is literally trying to get Ilhan Omar killed at this point.

Ugggghhh...it’s Trump with a long wig.

Meghan’s whole schtick is literally trying to make eating dogshit pallatable. It’s as if her whole purpose in life is to be a talking space filler of word salad false equivalency.  

Independent enough to carry a gun on their person, but dependent enough to ask their husband who they should vote for.

Before the ‘50s they could just rape the children in the church orphanages with impunity. Threats of eternal damanation and a societal unwillingness to address sexual matters kept the secret very well.

Wouldn’t it be quicker and easier to just list the priests who aren’t child-rapers?

I don’t see how this century-long abuse cover-up couldn’t shake the faith of someone like Dolan.

“‘I write to ask forgiveness again,’” Cardinal Dolan said...

“‘I write to ask forgiveness again,’” Cardinal Dolan said

Exactly. Well said, rumhambaby. There is also a history of sexual abuse and misogyny toward nuns in the Catholic Church. 

A Catholic colleague told me she really can’t understand why people are leaving the Church for the actions of men. I said, “The abuse is horrible, but the coverup was much much worse.” I was raised Catholic and there’s times I miss going to to Mass, but I can’t justify giving a penny to an organization that actively