
Why does anyone even like Jay-Zee? His rapping blows and he’s a dour, humorless, scowling, greedy, gloating jerk. Women who shackle themselves to men like him and then whine about it make me sick. He cheats on you? Then fucking bail, he’s a scumbag, simple as that. I mean what is there to contemplate? The guy is a

Fake, publicity stunt, not real, all to sell records and nothing else. If she’s so miserable then leave that dour, humorless, gloating bag of shit.

I tend to see these attacks as attacks on PEOPLE and it doesn’t matter to me how that freak “felt” about anything. Why the fuck does it even matter? He’s an asshole and I hope they have no trouble finding a vein when it’s time to eradicate him.

She was also a hardcore drug addict who never stopped slagging on everyone.

Fuck you, Donnie.