
Yes. The funniest part is her trying to throw shade at white women(and interracial dating), never mind the fact that she’s running around with a head full of weave, and it’s obvious to anyone with two working eyes that she’s lightened her skin over the years. Yet, for some reason black women eat this crap up, and when

oh look. She snapped her shoulders 50 times to distract from how shitty this song and video is.

imagine that... a Beyonce song that has about 20 different words in it. But hey, as long as she stomps her feet and puts on a mean mug, people will think she’s a genius.

OK. I watched it. Fucking Christ. Another Beyonce classic. Should be around for all of 3 minutes. At least in this one she let 1 other woman be identifiable. Although the other poor sap females are not and are forced to wear face paint.

No one cares. Didn’t watch. Didn’t read. Just came to type that no one cares. Beyonce’s self-absorption borders on autism. Cheers.