
Wait... Michael Ezra is IronMikeGallego?

I can't see or hear Hillary Clinton without thinking "Hillary is a German name. It means 'bosoms that defy gravity'."

I still have fond memories of Top Secret! Don't know why that movie never gets as much love as Airplane! or Police Squad! (or even Hot Shots! or Naked Gun... damn Abrahams and the Zucker bros loved to use exclamation points in the title!).

In the interest of journalistic integrity, I heard it was a threesome and Lennay Kekua should have received photo credit.

God that gum gag was awesome.

It's gonna take some getting used to, seeing as how "Ultron" brings to mind the squinty triangle eyes and gaping mouth of the comics version, but it looks suitably menacing and powerful. Besides, I bet the "classic" Ultron look will pop up somewhere in the film either as an earlier version of Ultron or as the look for

There are no bad Canadian jokes.

I couldn't agree with you more, especially about the drinking part. Matheny was awful.

Exactly how I felt. Everyone knows it's easier to blame the manager than the players, but fuck. Missed double plays, walks, throwing errors, wild pitches. These were all 1-3 run games and those plays killed StL.

The sickening thing: Most of the things that shouldn't have happened but we needed to break right for us to shimmy into an accidental WS appearance happened. We got many home runs. (TONY CRUZ?!?) They hit, like, none. Our starters at least treaded water. All we needed was for relievers to get some key outs, to string

Well, I grew up in St. Louis County and was 1.5 years old when the Cards lost to the Royals, so sound's like your beef is with people who aren't me. Plus it feels shitty to root for the Giants to crush the dreams of a third fan base that hasn't won a title since at least the mid-80s in 5 years.

Which Matheny also managed in suspect manner...but that's beside the point.


Larry King gets those seats because of his induction into the Softball Hall of Fame.

A lot of the credit actually goes to the Denver Post. Just passing along the info so folks outside of Denver know what's going on.

I'm beginning to think the conduct of people affiliated with NFL teams isn't held to the same standard as that of average citizens.


I'm sorry.. too busy making the money sign.

Before anyone ever cared who's head I would cover, I was just pate skin from Northeast Ohio. It's where I was covered. It's where I furrowed. It's where I burgeoned. It's where I was combed. It holds a special place in my follicles. People there have seen me grow up. I sometimes feel like I'm their bald spot. Their

NFL RUMOR ALERT: Rex Ryan pushing extremely hard to land Ryan Tannehill.