
Who is she to dictate who has a voice in the issue? Presumably she’s neither a perpetrator or victim of sexual assault or aggressive men but she assumes the authority to dismiss half the population’s point of view. Off-the-charts arrogance. Remember when comedians were actually funny...or at least tried to be?

That’s an interesting take on a renewed commitment to enforce laws signed into effect by other US presidents. I encourage you to take some comfort in the fact that, on average, those to be deported who entered illegally from Mexico and other countries south of the border are FAR less concerned about the environment

“Literally Hitler.” Please look up the definition of literally. You might want to diversify your news sources too. The louder and more hyperbolic you get, the more you’re ignored.

“deficate his pants?” Is that possible?

Let’s all throw a collective tantrum - that’ll teach em. Because there are so many people out there claiming that women and women’s work don’t matter. I don’t know anybody like that but apparently it’s a huge thing. And several weeks have passed since our last outburst. So we gotta do something.