
The GIF kinda ruins the punchline or the video.

I like how Kotaku puts the punchline in the banner gif. Thanks.

Great job ruining the punchline of the video.

You completely spoiled it with your gif...nicely done

dude, you put the punchline right in the headline, bad form

Here’s the punchline, want to hear the joke?

Hurray! Rage free conversation! :)

Just remember kids, so long as YOU don’t personally care about it, anyone else who does is wrong!

Oooooor! We could get over *ourselves* and think about other people for once.

Math and Observation to the Rescue!

Came here to say this. Catching over 100 is still a lot, but not even close to 400!

Correction: You only need to catch and transfer 101 Magikarp for gyarados

Nerfed? Definitely not.

Just so you guys know, he painted all those pictures with a Wacom pen taped to a stick that he held in his teeth. That’s insane.

I find this unbelievably sad.

It’s hard to say whether Kyle courage or his artist’s eye inspired Blizzard to reply.

If you have to ask your partner’s permission to buy a video game, you’re in an unhealthy relationship.

It is exactly that. Unfunny and sad.

Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.

Because this isn’t how science works. While it’s great the kid is interested and tried to do some work, this ISN’T doing science and shouldn’t be presented as such. You can’t just come up with an idea and limited evidence, declare a press conference and present it all as science. It isn’t. This kid’s work was never