
It seems the downsizing is being handled humanely, at least, with “partial or early retirement” covering the sum total of the layoffs. Can you imagine having that kind of safety net?

The key bit missing is that there were only three deaths in the entire prior decade. So zero in seven years might not be a statistically significant difference. They could have done nothing and had a decent odds at the same result.

it allows the city government to tell drivers to shut the fuck up about traffic. “oh you’re stuck in a traffic jam? then take the train/bus/bike/any other way to get around.”

Let’s take it to the next step. Wall the cities off. They can have their people and government and rules, and those of us outside can go our own way.

Selling ‘cause it needs tires and he got sticker shock....

My suggestion:

Clearly, then, you won’t be buying the gap insurance from one of those insurers?

There’s probably enough stupid shit for anybody in one episode of “The Man Show.” Which was both hilarious and unacceptably (by modern sensibilities) offensive, if you can manage to separate those things enough to judge the two qualities independently.

I hope they don’t kill all of the versions. I’m genuinely looking forward to see how the Australian version with Moog from Mighty Car Mods hosting turns out.

Think about it: Adam Carolla was that guy back then too. It’s what we notice and what we’re willing to tolerate that has changed.

Have you ever found a situation where gap insurance is cheaper through the dealer than purchased directly from an insurance company?

Every time I’ve ever looked, extended warranties purchased from third parties are cheaper and have better terms than the ones I’ve been offered by the dealer.

Seriously... 80 isn’t all that fast. In fact if you’re in a Prius doing less than 80 on the interstate... Get out of the goddamned way!

How can you tell if somebody has run a marathon?

Most of these are just people celebrating the fact that they’re prejudicial pricks.

If you work on your reading comprehension a bit you’ll realize I have.

It wasn’t an accusation at you, so much as the marketing departments of the various manufacturers.

These things are technically cool, but man.... to me that is one of the ugliest front ends ever put on a car. And in beige? Nope. No, sir. Not for me. No Dice.

It’s really really easy to go out and buy the same product you’ll get at Harbor Freight, made in the same factory just with a different brand’s paint job on it, and pay more (or less).

Remember folks: you don’t always get what you pay for. It’s really easy to pay extra and get nothing in return!