The only reason why I'm considering a 3d tv is because they have to be really good at 2d to do 3d well. I only want the 2d really.
The only reason why I'm considering a 3d tv is because they have to be really good at 2d to do 3d well. I only want the 2d really.
Replacing "Twitter" with "Facebook" makes it much scarier.
@aquaclear: Ball bearings would like to disagree with you.
@aquaclear: We might not ever know how they constructed Stonehenge, but coming up with new ideas is never a bad idea as they may be incorporated into modern consruction.
Saw this on NOVA on November 16th; it was quite an interesting episode (no surprises there).
@Iowa11: Are they moddable to be like the hd598's as the hd555 was moddable to the hd595?
@The Squalor and the Fury: Awesome! Why'd you do it? Just for fun? :D
@The Squalor and the Fury: Also, PM sent.
@The Squalor and the Fury: Nice! Thanks!
@The Squalor and the Fury: Ivan would like to have a chance!
@Sprzout: Granted, we must keep in consideration the fact that apple sells/rents movies and TV shows, so it might be in their best interest to simply make it as easy as possible to pay for such services, which is basically already is.
@Sprzout: It may be only two cables because of wifi.
@Pimanrules: Which comes back to the whole idea that people don't want to be hooking computer up to their TV's. You may be ok with it- I am most certainly comfortable with doing so, but the truth is that the majority of people aren't.
@Sprzout: I think apple would have done so already, but it would have wanted it on paper that the networks would comply. Google just assumed everything would be dandy through a web browser, which has obviously failed.
@Iskandr: We've always made excpetions. Don't you worry.
@RoboticSpacePenguin: Sadly, we cannot assume that everyone has a smartphone.
They should just have a liquid nitrogen policy.
@Zinger314: I think everyone who replied to you doesn't see what you meant. :P