
At 2:23 they play a song that I know I've heard somewhere, but a lot newer sounding. Any ideas as to what it was? *a heart for your troubles

@NanorH: Wasn't there when I first read the article.... : /

When was this? (time-frame)

@Twanzio: Too shallow. I'm thinking they are optical nubs/just a trackpad with two thingies on the ends.

X10 with controller pad. Please try harder SE. Please. I used to love you. And then I bought an X1. Don't die. But do this right.

@tc4001: Oh. I ask only because whenever I use that theme, the acrobat pdf reader "forgets" to put in a white background, and I get a lovely aero effect in the document. @_@

@tc4001: Do you get a transparent background if you open a pdf in opera?

@seki: Nokia won't buy SE because its a joint venture by Ericsson and Sony. Neither of which nokia will by buying anytime soon.

I loved my k550, k800, k850 to death. And then I got the X1. Sorry SE... You are dead to me...

I wonder how the cameraman felt...

@DanoruX: Humans are artificial, silly!

@Ioncloud9: Those birds are actually robots that help McDonalds collect uneaten product for reuse.

@DanoruX: The fact that no natural organism wants to eat it is the bad thing.

G-Force meets Splinter Cell meets adorable bunnies.

@EljhHck: Not all the votes have yet been cast!

@EljhHck: Real men can look into the sun without sunglasses. -40 votes for you.

@Beavertank: Perhaps it does not represent Black Mesa in size, but to be fair, it looks ripe for an alien invasion.